🍬💚A Little Bit Of A Brat💙🍬

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(Pairing: Naegami [Makoto Naegi {cg} x Byakuya Togami {little}])

(Requested by Smoky-!)


Naegi loved Togami to bits; that was absolutely no secret. Even when the heir was in his littlespace, that didn't change how much Naegi loved him.

Even when he decided to act a bit spoiled.

Makoto had to go shopping and get a few things, but Byakuya refused to be left alone, demanding to come with the other. He hadn't been in his littlespace for a few days, and it was sort of worrisome; especially since Togami would usually slip for at least an hour each day. Even so, Naegi didn't bring it up; he could never really find a good point to do so.

They made it to the store in a few minutes, with Togami looking more bored than anything as they walked around. Naegi gave a quiet sigh once he noticed this, and he quickly grabbed the things that he needed. Of course, he got some things for Togami, too-- mostly a couple stuffies-- but he wouldn't get them until he earned them.

Togami didn't notice; he ended up glancing over at the wall of stuffies that happened to be in the store. He immediately felt his littlespace start to come over him, but he wasn't about to let that happen. He was Byakuya Togami; the heir to the Togami family business and riches! He couldn't be seen acting like a child in public! But... there were so many stuffies... and he just wanted them all!

Naegi was about to continue going further in the store when Togami slightly pulled on his sleeve. The brunette stopped in an instant as he peered up at the blonde male, somewhat confused as Togami glanced around to make sure that no one could see him.

"Togami?" the optimistic male asked, "What's u--"

"... Stuffies," Byakuya replied simply as he stared intently at the wall of stuffies. He wanted them all, and he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted.

Makoto quickly noticed that the taller male's speech patterns were beginning to switch over, and he couldn't help but give a small smile. "Aww-- Sweetheart, I know how much you love stuffies, but I can't get them for you right now," he replied simply, much to Togami's dismay.

"No!" the little heir shot back with a huff. "Stuffies!"

"Togami," the brunette replied sternly, though not harshly, "No. I'm sorry, but we can't get you all those stuffies right now."

By this point, Togami was well into his littlespace, finally settling into the headspace of a 3-year-old; temperament and all. "No!!" the blonde male demanded, beginning to tear up from frustration. "Wan' em!"

Naegi panicked for a moment; if Togami kept this up, everyone would be staring, and it would only be a bigger mess. Thankfully, Makoto could calm the little down fairly quickly. "Okay-- baby boy, I need you to calm down for me, okay? If you can calm down for me, I'll get you a few new stuffies, okay?" he offered, hoping that Byakuya would take the bait, per se.

Fortunately, he did just that.

The ash-blonde little paused for a moment as he went over what his caregiver said. He paused for a quick moment before sighing as he gave a small pout and a little sniffle. "... O-Otay, Daddy..." he mumbled quietly, unsure if anyone had heard him-- thankfully, nobody did.

Naegi gave a quiet sigh of relief as he gave his little boy a soft smile. "Thank you, angel. I already have a few stuffies in the cart; I'll let you see them when we get home, alright?"

Togami actually had a look of what appeared to be excitement for a moment, and he nodded eagerly as he fell silent all over again.

Needless to say, Togami was very happy about the new kitten and puppy stuffies that he received later that day.

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