💝🍼💙The Beginning💜🍼💔

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(Pairing: SaiOuma [Shuichi Saihara{cg} x Kokichi Ouma{little}])

(Requested by Chaosmaker207!)


Shuichi Saihara and Kokichi Ouma.

Nearly opposites, but lovers all the same.

This is well-known- however, one question remains.

How did Shuichi become the caregiver to his beloved little boy?

Well, just sit down and relax while the story is told.


The two were already lovers- they had been for a while now. Kokichi, of course, was the secretive sort. He'd learned not to trust many people due to his horrid past, one thing he refused to tell even Shuichi very much about.

There was a reason why he refused to tell Shuichi much of anything, and it wasn't because he didn't trust the other. He did; he trusted him with his life! ... Ouma just couldn't stand to remember all of... That. Ouma knew it had happened, why did he have to go back and relive it every damn time?

However, he had another secret, only hidden from Shuichi because the small male didn't want to potentially lose the other. He was a little. He used age regression as a coping mechanism and as a stress reliever. Oftentimes, people found age regression to be odd or weird, or even just downright gross. So, instead of risking it all and taking a chance, Kokichi only slipped when he was completely alone. Regardless of how little he might be at any given time, he did everything alone, and it honestly kind of hurt. He didn't want to be alone; he wanted a caregiver; he wanted to be held and cuddled; he wanted to be comforted by gentle, sweet nothings being spoken quietly into his ear. More than anything, he wanted Shuichi to be his caregiver.

... But that was just what he wanted. It would never actually happen.

Ouma gave a huff as he collapsed onto his bed, staring longingly up at the ceiling. If only... No. No; that was never going to happen. Stop being so stupid, Kokichi!

Imagine if Saihara-Chan found out. What then, you idiot?! He'd leave a freak like you in a heartbeat; any sane person would! Kokichi squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to drown out those awful thoughts and voices in his head. Unfortunately, this attempt was a fruitless one as he groaned out an exasperated sigh, grabbing a pillow and pulling it over his face.

"Why is life so hard?" He asked aloud to nobody in particular as he dropped the pillow over his head, glancing to his left for only a moment before pausing.

Meadow. Meadow was his favorite stuffy; she was a white bunny with a purple and checkerboard-patterned bow on her left ear, and she was the supreme leader's main comfort item when he was little.

Ouma hesitated for a second before pulling Meadow into his arms and hugging her close to his chest, then sitting up and holding the plush bunny in his lap. "Hey, Meadow; do you think Saihara-Chan would still like me if he knew?" He asked, staying quiet for a moment as though Meadow would respond.

"... Okay, well, I didn't ask for you to be a bully!" He huffed before standing up with Meadow in his arms. "... Sorry, Meadow, I guess I just need to be little for a while..."

With that, the liar pulled a decent-sized box out from under his bed. It had a purple lid with checkerboard sides, and the top of the lid spelled out "Little Leader" in white lettering. He quickly pulled the lid off of the box, revealing another smaller, more plain-looking box alongside things like outfits, blankies, and even things like pull-ups and diapers at the very bottom.

The already slipping male grabbed the smaller box and opened it, grabbing a purple and checkerboard pacifier out of it and sliding it right into his mouth with a soft little giggle. He grabbed a coloring book, crayons, and a bottle out of the smaller box as well before closing it. The little liar then pulled out a onesie, soon hesitating before pulling out a diaper as well. He knew he was slipping far, and he was slipping fast. He might as well hurry before everything besides the really simple stuff confused him too much.

Kokichi gave another giggle once he was changed, and he pulled the blankie around his shoulders as he brought Meadow and the coloring book and crayons onto his bed. Ouma beamed around his paci as he opened to a new page and started scribbling in the book with cheerful hums and giggles as he held Meadow close.

He just didn't realize that he'd left his door wide open.

The only one who noticed was Shuichi Saihara, who peered inside the room to check on his secretive boyfriend. Needless to say, the detective was stunned when he saw the small male in such a state. "... Kokichi..?" Saihara asked, as wide-eyed as the little boy once he saw purple orbs peering right back at him.

For a moment, the whole world seemed to come to a standstill as the two locked eyes for that moment. However, that standstill was soon cut short when Ouma's purple eyes began to shimmer as tears started pooling in the corners of his eyes.

As soon as Shuichi had realized what was going on, the little liar burst out sobbing. "Shoot—" Saihara muttered under his breath before closing the door behind him and rushing over to the other's side. "H-Hey, hey; it's okay! It's okay, Kokichi, d-don't cry!" He pleaded as the small boy began to quiet down, though it was hardly by much.

Shuichi was intelligent enough to realize that the other was in a very delicate and fragile state of mind, almost like that of an infant. "... It's okay. Hey, I'm not weirded out or anything, okay? ... Honestly, I'm just a bit confused," he said softly as he gently brushed through his boyfriend's hair.

He knew how much Kokichi loved it when he did that, and how much it calmed him down. Thankfully, it did just that. The little leader had soon calmed down to only soft sniffles as he leaned into his lover's gentle touch; he was practically putty in the other's arms.

As the little boy's thumb subconsciously drifted up towards his mouth, Saihara couldn't help but chuckle. "Hey, cutie, that's not good for you. Here," he spoke calmly as he placed Kokichi's paci right back into his mouth before gently tapping his nose with the pad of his index finger. "There you go. Is that better, little guy?" He asked before gently ruffling his boyfriend's hair, earning a small coo from the other before he peered up at the detective with Meadow clutched close to his chest.

"... Hey..." Saihara asked after a moment, rubbing nervously at the nape of his neck, "... I'm not sure what's going on, but, no matter what it is, it's clearly helping you, so I'm not upset, okay? I'm not about to leave you or anything either. I just wanna know what's going on with you," he said softly as he pulled Kokichi into his lap.

Kokichi paused for a moment before giving a huff as he clung to the other. "... Twoo widdwe..." The small male mumbled around his pacifier, causing the detective to give a small smile.

"You're too little?" Shuichi asked as Kokichi replied with a nod. "Alright. How about we just cuddle and color for a while, then?" He replied as Kokichi's amethyst eyes lit up with excitement.

"Cowow!!" Kokichi exclaimed, grabbing the book and placing it in from of the two as he grabbed a few crayons and started coloring.

Shuichi chuckled softly as he pressed a gentle kiss to his boyfriend's head. "My baby boy," he smiled.

"He's my baby boy."

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