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April 17th, 2013.
Wednesday morning.

It was a warm sunny Wednesday and I had to spend the day cleaning up the tiny apartment building. We had the day off of school due to Teacher Records Day. I felt like Cinderella all alone in her corner, after doing all the chores my wicked "guardian" assigned to me.
"Don't forget to take out that trash, and clean behind the side of the building." She barked more orders from her room.
Now she wanna let me outside.
I rolled my eyes while I stood up to go outside and pick up all the trash behind the side of the building. As I walked outside, I saw Nate playing with the other kids in the neighborhood.
The boy Arnold waved me down.
"Wassup Isaiah, you want to play with us?"
I took a quick glance behind me at the screen door. I knew I had chores to do, but it was rare I was invited to play. I wasn't outside very often, if I hurried up with my chores I could possibly go play with them.
"He can't." Nate chimed in, as he kicked the ball to another player in the game they were playing. "He has chores to do."
I darted my eyes at Nate and ignored his comment as I turned back to finish my chores.
Nate didn't have to do chores, he lived like a king. Instead, she made me wait on him hand and foot. To bringing him his plate, to damn near wiping the leftover food from the corners of his mouth. I knew if I refused I would have to suffer the consequences, that's the last thing I needed.
I finished up my chores and went to sit back down in my designated corner until I heard a knock at the door.
"WHO THE FUCK IS IT?!" Beatrice yelled from the back, her voice sending waves loud enough for the people next door to hear.
"Child Protective Services, ma'am. Here for a Beatrice Patterson."
My heart damn near jumped out of my throat as I saw her stumbling over to answer the door.
I thought they said Thursday? I looked around the prison cell, it was really a mess. Dishes weren't washed, most of the clothes on the floor belonged to Nate, even though he was never ordered to pick them up.
"I'm Ms. Patterson, sorry about the outburst. Thought it was one of them pesky kids asking to play with Isaiah." She said ever so gracefully. I rolled my eyes at her level of sincerity she found in her voice. She was really a class act.
"That's okay, if you don't mind I'd like to get started with a quick look around." The man said.
I couldn't exactly make out which direction he was heading to, being the divider was already put down.
"Is Isaiah here?" He asked with a hint of suspicion in his voice.
"Why yes he is. Isaiah?" Beatrice called out.
Not knowing whether to leave my seat, I called out "Yes? I'm here." And was met by a tall light skinned man with a suit, tie, and a pad and pencil.
"You must be Isaiah, I'm Charlie." The man extended his friendly hand as I shook it lightly.
A puzzled look swept across his face.
"What are you doing down here in the dark all alone?"
I looked at a tight lipped Beatrice for confirmation on my answer.
"Just doing homework." I responded lowly.
"Well you mind if we took a break, I want to ask you some questions. Alone, if you don't mind." He asked turning around to my warden.
"Sure, that'll be fine." She said, but the cracks in her words told me she wasn't okay with it at all.
Mr. Charlie grabbed me by my hand and walked me outside.
I sat on the porch, soaking up all the fresh air this lucky day bestowed upon me.
"How do you like living here, Isaiah?" Mr. Charlie's question snapping me out of my trance.
"It's okay." I said somberly.
"Just okay?" He asked, writing another note in his pad.
"Yeah, it's okay."
"It's been brought to my attention you stated you didn't feel safe, can you tell me why?"
I looked behind me at the window to make sure we weren't being eavesdropped on.
In the corner of my eye I saw the man jot down another note. What exactly was he writing?
"You know it's okay to talk to me right, Isaiah? If you want to tell me something now is the time to do so, okay?"
Part of me wanted to spill the beans on everything, but my mouth had already gotten me a month of chores and a week of table scraps, there was no way in hell I was gonna risk going to the hole, hell I was already in prison. I couldn't make it worse for myself.
"Everything is okay, Mr. Charlie. Beatrice is great."
I could tell he felt my statement was full of shit, but the professional in him wouldn't say it out loud.
"Okay, Isaiah. As long as your good, I'm good. That's the reason for my visit. If you ever feel like you wanna call and talk, here's my number." He said handing me his card.
"I must get going, it was very nice to meet you young man."
"Same to you sir." I said as I shook his hand one more time and watched him walk to his car.
Daydreaming about going with him, I started wondering more about what was in his pad of notes.
We're they bad things? Things he saw? Beatrice? My mind racing, I knew I'd never find out. Maybe that's how these things work.
I heard the screen door open wide behind me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I should've just went with him.

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