Field trip to SI (1)

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It was Monday morning and a certain Peter Parker was getting ready for school at 6:30 am. He grabbed some jeans and a t-shirt to change into. He brushed his teeth and went to the kitchen for some breakfast. He grabbed some cereal. After he was done eating breakfast he saw that he was going to be late for school if he didn't hurry, so he grabbed his shoes and ran out the door while saying "I Larb you May!" He got to school and looked for Ned.

*Peters POV*
I was looking for Ned when I saw him at the entrance. I walked up to him and we started talking. "Hey Ned!" I said while walking to my locker. "Hey peter, do you want to come over and build LEGO's after school? I got a new Star Wars set! It has over 5,000 pieces!" I chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Sure, I'll tell May later." We walked to class as my spider sense started tingling. It wasn't anything dangerous, just the school bully Eugene "Flash" Thompson. "Hey Penis!" I continued walking hoping he'd leave me alone. I was wrong. "Don't ignore me Penis." Flash said as he pushed me into the lockers. "You know what happens if you ignore me, huh. Or are you gonna cry?" I looked up at Flash and said "Leave me alone Flash." Right at that moment the bell rang. Flash muttered something about being saved by the bell and walked away. Me and Ned made our way to our first period which was English. I don't like English, our teacher always gives us tons of homework. Luckily flash isn't in it, i thought as I walked into the class.

*Time skip to last period*
We were currently in chemistry. It was 5 minutes until the bell and I was starting to pack my things. That was until I heard the teacher talking again. "Mr. Parker, please wait with packing as I have an exciting announcement to make!" I groaned but stopped packing my stuff. I looked at Ned with a questioning look but he didn't seem to notice. Mr. Harrington continued talking. "As most of you know our yearly field trip is coming up, this year we got extremely lucky! We're going to.... drum rolls please.... STARK INDUSTRIES!" Everyone started shouting in excitement but I couldn't help but groan. I go there a lot, especially on Fridays and on the weekend. I work with Mr. Stark in his lab. Sometimes I even help them on missions as Spider-man! Suddenly I heard Flash "Now we'll see that Penis is actually lying! HAH!" Ned gave me a sad look but I just shrugged. "Don't forget to grab a permission slip on the way out! You have to give it back by Thursday as the field trip is on Friday!" The bell rang and Ned and I started walking towards our lockers after grabbing a permission slip. "I can't believe we're going to SI man! Do you think we'll see the Avengers?" I smiled a bit before replying "I don't know, I don't think so. They're pretty busy. I'm more worried about Flash, if the avengers find out he's bullying me he's dead." Ned looked at me and said "Yes but he'd finally realize you aren't lying about your internship!" I sighed and started texting aunt May.

Peter: Hey May! I'm going to Ned's I'll be home for dinner. Love you!
May: Alright, have fun!

"May said I could go to your house." "Awesome!" Ned said before we started walking towards his house. It wasn't that far away so we were there within 10 minutes. Mrs. Leeds greeted us as we went upstairs. It was now 6pm and I was about to go home for dinner. "Bye Ned, I'll see you tomorrow! Bye Mrs. Leeds!" I walked home and entered the building. "Hi May! I'm back!" I walked into the kitchen and saw May. "Hello sweetheart. How was your day?" I smiled and said "It was pretty good. Oh! And I have a permission slip for you to sign, please. It's for our yearly field trip." May looked at me "Oh? Where are you going?" She asked as I handed her the slip. "Stark tower..." I mumbled. She looked at me and started laughing. "Only you Pete, only you." She said as she ruffled my hair. I groaned "Please do not tell Mr. Stark! He'll just embarrass me!" "I won't tell him!" May said as she placed the soup on the table. "Thank you." I said feeling a bit relieved. Maybe I could hide it from him, I thought. I won't be at the tower until Friday anyway. The only problem would be at security with our badges... I'll figure it out, I can hide it from him... I hope...

The rest of the week went by smoothly. And then it was Friday way too fast...

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