𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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I've been playing with Angel for two hours. I was forced to play with barbies, impersonating Ken and creating imaginary stories. I kind of feel related to children for some reason; they dream as much as I do and create their own mini life scenarios.

I find Angel particularly intelligent and observant for seven years old. She has noticed every single detail about me, pointing them out. As well as that, she admitted she finds my hair and my eyes adorable, but she dislikes my pale skin, stating "it ruins your beauty."

What I don't get is how she manages to play the same game for hours and hours. I get so frustrated if I have to do something repeatedly (minus caring for the Rockchild family, because it's my job), which in this case, I did. But I don't want her to notice.

"You know, today I really got super bored at that place." She murmurs, delusional.

"How is that?" I ask, building Ken's house.

"All they were doing was talking about unknown subjects in hushed voices. Thankfully, there was a playroom where I spent some time with other kids."

"Well, at least you could play. Imagine if you had to sit down amongst them and listen to what they were saying."

Her bright orbs widen, "that would have been the worst nightmare ever."

A little laugh escapes my lips. I adore her humor; I would like to spend more time with her as she is a good distraction for me. Gazing at her makes me realize how I took childhood for granted when I was young, and how I would love to turn back in time. If only time-travel existed. When I was a child, I always dreamt of growing up faster so I could do whatever I wanted.

Obviously, it didn't turn out that well.

"I'm tired of this game," she says, signing. Thank God, I was waiting for those five words. Suddenly, she jumps up, giving me that cheeky smile that creeps onto your face when your brain produces a creative idea. "I know what to play! Hide-and-seek!"

"Oh, no." I murmur to myself. I have never liked that game, it gets me too anxious, and I don't think the family would approve of me tip-toeing around and hiding in the corners the Palace like a thief.

"Angel, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Okay, you count and I hide. Good luck!" Before I have time to reply, she sprints away, disappearing from my sight.

Great, now I have to scout the whole Palace in order to find her. What I despise about kids? They don't listen.

Not that I am any different.

I start seeking for her, carefully opening every door of the hall. I have never realized how huge the Palace is until now; it seems a maze. As I walk across the polished marble floor, I pause and scan my eyes over architecture, noticing how unique and sumptuous it is. Every single part of it is dominated by priceless mirrors and paintings richly decorated with stucco and gold leaf. Hanging drom the ceiling, there are heavy, glittering crystal chandeliers that gently sway drom side to side, scattering rays of light across the rooms. The bedroom floors differ from the large halls carefully formed using rare, expensive wood.

Every single segment I meander my fingers is designed with history and elegance, and the fear of damaging anything in this rich household torments me.

When I have searched every room of the third floor, I decide to head up to the fourth floor. I have rarely been up there, and when I do enter the mysterious halls of it, it is only to clean Mr. Rockchild's enourmous office. Caught up in my thoughts, I don't realize I am standing in front of the intricate, wooden door. Not wanting to get in trouble, I pull myself away from the doorway.

I am about to give up, when a hidden door in the corner of the hall catches my attention. Creeping closer, I glance behind me, making sure nobody is watching. Gradually, my hand inches toward the handle, and I finally muster up the courage to pull it open.

An inmense hall enters my view, similar to the ones sprawled across the Palace. I swear this place is jungle of dark corridors! I stumble though the doorway, paying attention to even the tiniest of details: four windows illuminate the hall and shawcase a view of the magnificent garden. Directing my attention back to the numerous doors, I wonder why the hallway is hidden.

Nothing of interest is within these walls.

I pad the next few meters, and I notice something quite strange: an elevator. They have always insisted that there is no elevator in this Palace, so why do I see one in front of me?

I click the round, centered button, and the panels slide open, granting access to a portable room. Cautiously, I enter, questioning myself if this is a trap. When nothing happens, I examine the several numbers, taking my time.

"One, two, three, four, five and.. six?" I talk loudly to myself. So this is the fifth floor and there is another one, the sixth.

Am I supposed to know this?

I halt the swarm bouncing around my head and press the number six. The elevator starts moving up slowly. After what seems like an eternity, the doors open wirh a ding, and two tall men appear in front of me, scaring the living daylights out of me.

They wear black coats, and stand in front of a dark, wide door. So this is the sixth floor? A door? Why do they look like they're guarding it?

"Miss, what are you doing up here?" The man on my right asks, suspicious.

"I was looking for a little girl, Angel." I squeak, trying to stop my voice from trembling.

"Did anyone grant you permission to come up here?" The raspy tone gives me goosebumps.

"No, but as I said-"

"Please, don't ever come up here unless you have the permission from Mr. Rockchild."

I stand statue-still for a moment, staring at them and trying to find the words that explain I didn't have bad intentions. Before speaking again, I hesitate; they won't listen to me anyway. That much was made crystal-clear.

"Sorry for disturbing." They just glare at me, and I have nothing else to do except to leave.

As I turn around, my eyes glimpse letters written in red on the dark and black door. I don't know if my eyes were playing tricks on me, or if I just read it wrong.


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