Chapter 8: Fine, be that way.

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~Tord's POV~

I was laying on the bed, while Edd and Tomas talk. Then I realize, I haven't had any of my meds today, and Tom will probably scold me. Now that I think about it, I don't want to take my meds today, I'm fine the way I am. "hey baby, and baby" Tom said as he flopped onto the bed, closing the door with his foot. "hewwo" I said with a small smile. Tom scootched up the bed and snuggled me, pulling me closer to him. 

Tom looked over at the desk, where my pill bottles are. "Did you take your meds today?" He said, still looking at the bottles. "No. I didn't want to." "well, tord, it doesn't matter if you want to or not, you need to take them." 

(Tom is bold.)

"I know, but I don't like how they make me feel.."

"I know that Babes, but you have to take them, and you have to keep the habit of taking them!" Tom said sitting up.

"You don't need to raise your voice..." I quietly said sitting up as well.

"Apparently I do! because you're not understanding how important taking your meds are!"

"I understand that Tomas but I don't like how they make me feel! They make me feel numb to everything Tomas, like im fuckin emotionless! I'm not taking them."

"Well, at least you won't have the 'emotion' to kill yourself! These are supposed to help you! You have to take them Tord whether you want to or not! So don't fuckin tell me you're not taking them!"

"I'm not taking them."

"Yes, you are Tord."

"No, I'm Not!"

"Yes! Yes, You fucking are!"

"N-No Im not Tomas!"

And as Tomas said that I felt a sudden sharp pain on the side of my face. Tomas standing above me, his hand in the air, the back of it facing me. He just slapped me. I felt the tears run down my face, as he stood there, his face showing he was filled with rage. "Your fucking taking them!!" He said as he forced my mouth open and the 2 pills I had to take, down my throat" I swallowed them and started coughing from toms hand being in my mouth.

 He slapped me and then shoved his hand in my mouth all over skipping a dose of anti-depressants and anxiety meds. I held back the tears as I took off his sweatshirt and got dressed. I put on some black skinny jeans, a red sweater, and my usual red converse. "I'm d-done with your shit as much as your d-done with mine!" I said as I left. He didn't even try to stop me. I grabbed my wallet and a bottle of water and left, not planning to come back soon.

~Time Skip~

(Picture is at the top)

I was taking a long walk around town, it was late, but I wasn't going home. I've been walking for about 6 hours now, not seeing Tom or Edd once. I love tom but I'm sick of him being so controlling. It fuckin pisses me off, hes not my fuckin mother. Talking about mother, I don't even have one. My parents were gay and died gay.

I was getting tired so I went back home. It was about 2 in the morning and Tom and Edd were asleep. I saw Matt's coat on the rack, so I assumed he got home while I was gone. Instead of going to Tom and I's room, I went to my room because I didn't even want to look at tom right now. I went into my empty room and locked the door behind me, not wanting anyone to bother me. My door was always closed so no one would even notice im here.

Yeah Right  (Depressed!Tord x Tom)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant