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Some happiness in this chapter before things get dark again and we meet some familiar enemies in later chapters. Enjoy~

Luffy was woken up by the entrance of Burgess, his loud and obnoxious laughter cutting through the dragon's pleasant dream like a knife. Luffy didn't stand up, not needing to and not having the energy under the crushing darkness, which didn't seem to bother Burgess.

"Y'know, dragon, Captain told me something interesting about your brother and what happened after you were taken," Burgess taunted. Luffy listened, but already knew Ace was alive and well, so whatever this man was going to try and hang over his head wouldn't work.

"Captain stabbed the chef, and framed Ace for it. Weehahahaha! He drugged both of you to the point of where a normal person would fall into a coma. He planted the murder weapon on Ace, and then stole you while you were both passed out." He smirked when he saw Luffy's eyes widen in fury.

Luffy couldn't stop himself from snarling and standing up threateningly. It surprised Burgess, but he didn't back down. Embarrassingly, Luffy was the one who had to back down. He couldn't blow his cover, so he put on an act, and made himself cry, pretending like he didn't want to hear anymore by putting his hands over where his ears were.

"Bet the stupid chef is dead. And soon, Whitebeard will be dead, too! We'll steal his power and then kill him. Weehahahaha!" he laughed. Luffy's eyes widened, but he was able to hide his smile. Maybe this guy would be good at giving up important information. Arrogance will be his downfall. Luffy wondered if Teach would kill this guy for doing something like this.

Probably, since he apparently stabbed Thatch, someone who considered themselves family for many years. Luffy was a bit angry, but with Ace for not telling him about Thatch being stabbed. God, he hoped his favorite pirate was still alive.

The moment Burgess was let out, the darkness opening to show it was night time, Luffy shouted, ACE! TEACH WANTS TO STEAL WHITEBEARD'S POWER AND THEN KILL HIM! There was no time for Ace to respond, but Luffy hoped he had been awake to hear it. It was important information to know, finally something concrete.

Luffy went to sleep, more content knowing he was helpful, trying to drown out the worry and anger about Teach's plan. How he used Ace to take the blame for a crime he wouldn't have committed, even if he had secretly hated Thatch. He did nothing wrong.

Both Ace and Luffy had killed, even before the Mary Geious Massacre, but they wouldn't kill someone who was kind and good to them. He and Luffy had never killed anyone innocent. At least not that Luffy knows of.


Ace was asleep, laying on Luffy's mat again, when he was startled awake with ACE! TEACH WANTS TO STEAL WHITEBEARD'S POWER AND THEN KILL HIM! He shot up from the bed and ripped the covers off. Ace didn't hesitate to run out of the room, leaving the door wide open, and down the halls to the commander's quarters, with the captain's door at the end of the hall.

As far as Ace knew, there was no way someone could have two devil fruits at the same time, let alone steal one from another person. He had to think that, Teach or that Burgess guy, had too big a mouth for his own good. But, they finally had some good information, and knew some of what Teach's plan was all along.

First, to kill his crewmate and then attempt to kill his captain? Former captain. Ace banged his fist obnoxiously on the door. It didn't take long for the massive door to open and Whitebeard look sleepy and a bit grumpy, until he saw Ace's face, which was very serious.

He got right to the point. "Teach is planning on somehow stealing your power and then killing you." Whitebeard's eyes widened in shock. He looked at the clock in his room. 5 AM. That was late enough for an immediate captain's meeting.

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