Discovering New Things

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In this chapter we learn more about Ace and Luffy's bodies and their differences to each other and normal humans. Enjoy~

"Holy shit!" a shout came from the deck. The pirate went running into the galley to the commanders already there, with Ace and Luffy sitting in the corner, having refused to sit at the table since Luffy couldn't comfortably.

The pirate handed Marco the paper. His eyes widened at the headline: Terrorist Burns Down Mary Geoise. No Survivors. Ace and Luffy hurried over and looked at it. "See! I told you!" Ace hissed. Marco looked at the brothers in shock, turning back to the paper and reading the rest. Ace's story was true. There was a cube of unbreakable ice that surrounded the city, and when the ice melted, everything and everyone was gone. Marco was surprised they were truthful in the clip. That they couldn't get through the ice.

It showed a picture of the ruins. There was literally nothing there anymore. It was like the city had never existed. A wanted poster slid out, and like Ace and Luffy thought, there was no picture or name.

It had a blank image, and no name. The bounty was seven billion berries. The highest bounty ever, even higher than a Yonkos. And they had no clue that Luffy was involved, or a mention of a flying creature would have been on the poster.

The other commanders came over and read the headline and saw the image. They looked thoroughly shocked, and turned and stared at the brothers. But they weren't smiling. They weren't happy with the clip, or smiling at what they'd done. It was for their brother, they didn't kill everyone because it would be fun.

Pops was the last to read the paper, and whistled. He had doubted the kid's story, but damn, it was true. They had a collective bounty higher than even any of the Yonko's, including Whitebeard's.

Ace huffed, irritated that none of them had believed him last night, and the brothers went back to their food.

I'm glad they don't know who did it.

Me too. But damn, we have a high bounty. Do you regret it?

No... I don't regret it, but it was hard. I was scared we'd get caught. Ace reached over and gave Luffy a tight hug.

I would never let anything happen to you. Even if you're older now, you're still my baby brother and no one will ever touch you, or hurt you. And if anyone manages to, they'll have the same fate as the damn World Nobles.

Luffy hugged him back, and then Ace laid on his back so Luffy could rest more on him. It hadn't happened in awhile, but Luffy started kneading his brother. It was something that calmed him down if he was upset, or if he was happy, and it showed Ace how much he loved him.

No matter what, we'll always be together. Okay?

Okay, Ace.

Ace rubbed the back of Luffy's head while they cuddled. Ace kind of missed little Luffy that he could hold in his arms. And he knew others were watching, but he didn't give a damn.

The commanders at the table watched Luffy and Ace interact, and they were clearly having a conversation the others couldn't hear. When Luffy laid on Ace and started kneading him like a cat, Thatch just about squealed at the cuteness.

"Don't let anyone know it was them," Whitebeard suddenly said. The commanders agreed. Someone on the crew might spill the beans. After all, the bounty was seven billion berris. No one would mention it again.

"Ace, Luffy, please come here for a second," Whitebeard called. Ace and Luffy looked at each other, wondering what the man would say. "What are you planning to do next?" the big man asked.

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