Natasha smirked, "I'm sure they will all be thrilled that I have to miss today's session. Make them run a few extra laps at the end for me?" 

Steve laughed, "Alright. I'm telling them it's under your instruction though." 

"Good. Then when I get back they'll know exactly what kind of training they can expect."

Steve smiled, "You're brutal." 

"That's why I'm the best," Natasha said, grinning.

Steve rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, and be careful today okay. I'd be awfully bored around here without you to help me torture recruits." 

Natasha smiled. "Will do Cap. See you later." 

"Bye Nat," He said with a smile, and for once, Natasha didn't have the instant urge to remind him that her name was Natasha. She'd do it next time but right now, she had to get ready for her mission.


Natasha's mission really had been a short one. She had been gone hardly a day and finished debriefing and paperwork by the end of the second day. 

She had been walking back to her room when she caught sight of the others watching a movie in the living room.

"What's this all about?" Natasha said, coming up behind the couch and making all of them flinch in surprise. 

"Oh. Hey Natasha. We didn't know when you'd be back but Cap saved a seat for you just in case," Tony said. 

Natasha raised an eyebrow but came around the couch to sit down between Steve and the arm rest. There wasn't much space which meant that she and Steve were very close. Not that she minded of course...

"What movie is this?" Natasha asked Steve. 

"Um, I don't know. Something Space wars?" 

Natasha grinned, biting back a laugh, "Star wars?" 

Steve nodded, "Yeah. That's the one. It's very confusing." 

Natasha shrugged, "It's not so bad if you actually pay attention." 

Tony threw a piece of popcorn at her, "There's a movie on Nat, stop talking." 

Natasha threw a coaster sitting on the table besides her at him, "Don't call me that." 

Tony frowned and rubbed the spot on his head where the coaster had struck me, "Ow! Why can't I call you  Nat? It's a nickname. Do you prefer Natalie, or Red, or maybe -" 

Natasha grabbed a remote and cut him off by throwing it at him with deadly precision. He ducked out of the way with a loud yelp and glared at her.

"You're insane." 

Natasha shrugged and relaxed back into the couch to finish watching the movie.

Steve asked her probably a million questions throughout it but she couldn't say that she minded too much. His cluelessness was pretty endearing. 

Once the movie was finally over, Natasha was the first to stand up, followed by Steve. 

Everyone began to filter out of the living room and because Steve and Natasha lived on the same floor, they took the elevator up together. 

"So what's with the aversion to nicknames?" Steve asked. 

Natasha shrugged, "I don't know. But I know I don't want Tony calling me Nat." 


Natasha shook her head, "Never. The other day he called me Tasha and I almost tased him." 

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