Seeing Double

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Requested by someone but I can't find it. Please let me know if it was you! Hydra kidnaps Steve and makes a clone of him but Natasha is able to tell it's not him. 

Natasha knew Steve better than she knew herself. 

She knew every single one of the little quirks that he had and she loved it. Making him blush with a single word was something she'd figured out a long time ago.

That's why she knew something was wrong when he came in after a week long mission, looking the same as he had when he left, but also very different. 

Natasha had sat up in their bed with a frown when she saw him, "Steve? Are you alright?" 

He looked up at her, smiling in a way that she'd never seen him do before, "Yeah. Everything's fine. Just a long mission." 

Natasha nodded, her eyebrows furrowing, "Was it successful?" 

"Was what successful?" Steve asked.

"The mission," Natasha said, standing up and walking towards him. 

Steve stiffened when she placed her hand on his shoulder, "Oh yes. It went fine."

He turned towards her and Natasha frowned, running her hand over a small bruise on his cheek. Steve drew away from her. 

"Steve what's going on?" She asked, growing more concerned. 

"Nothing baby. I'm just tired. I think I'm going to go hop in the shower." 

Natasha cringed at the pet name. Steve didn't call her pet names, he knew she hated them. She plastered a fake smile on her face, "Okay. I'm going to go to make a reservation for our anniversary dinner tomorrow night, any suggestions?"

Steve shook his head, "You pick." 

Natasha nodded and waited until he was in the bathroom before grabbing her suit and rushing out of the room. Their anniversary wasn't for another three months. 

"Stark! What the hell happened on that mission?" She asked, walking into the debriefing room, where Tony and Nick were talking. 

Tony frowned, "Nothing. Everything went according to plan, did you not see Steve?" 

Natasha shook her head, "That was not Steve. I don't know who it is, but it's not him." 

"It sure looked like Steve," Fury said, raising an eyebrow. 

"You say that as though we don't have technology that makes people look and sound like someone else. Hydra could have it too." 

Fury looked at Tony, "Was Steve with you the whole time?" 

Tony frowned, "Well no, we separated to find the control room in the base and met up at the exit after we shut everything down." 

"He's in trouble Nick. I know Steve and that wasn't him."

Fury looked at her, "Are you positive?" 

Natasha nodded, "Yes." 

"Alright, then we need to take whoever is pretending to be him into custody-"

"No, if we do that then they'll know we know somethings wrong. If they know that they might hurt Steve," Natasha interrupted. 

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Fury asked, looking frustrated.

"Have someone occupy fake Steve while I track him down. Just make sure Hydra doesn't notice anything is wrong." 

Fury sighed, "Fine. But you aren't tracking him down alone. Stark, you occupy the fake one while Romanoff and Barton find him." 

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