Paint War

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Natasha asks Steve to help her paint her new apartment

"Hey Steve, you can paint right?" Natasha asked, walking into Steve's floor without knocking.

Steve looked up from the book he was reading and nodded, slightly confused, "Yeah. Why? And how did you get in?" 

Natasha ignored his last question, "Okay great. Then you can help me." 

Steve raised an eyebrow, "Help you what?" 

Natasha rolled her eyes, "You ask too many questions. Get up and come with me." 

Steve would have argued, but he didn't exactly have anything better to do today so he stood up from his couch. 

"Do you like those clothes?" She asked. 

Steve frowned slightly, very confused at what was going on, "Um yeah. I guess so." 

She rolled her eyes, "Go change into something you don't mind getting ruined." 

"What?" Steve asked. 

Natasha pushed him towards his room, "Shut up and do it."

Steve shook his head with a small smile but listened to her, clearly she wasn't going to tell him what she needed help with so he would just have to trust her and do what she said. 

He changed into a pair of sweatpants and an old grey shirt before walking back into his own living room. 

"Ready?" Natasha asked, and as stupid as Steve was when it came to women, he didn't miss the way her eyes scanned his body. 

Steve nodded, walking towards the door with her when he noticed his lock was broken, "Did you break my lock?" 

"Break is a strong word, I worked around it." 

Steve sighed, "You couldn't have just knocked?" 

Natasha smirked, "Where's the fun in that Rogers?" 

Steve shook his head with a small laugh, "You're gonna have to fix that." 

"Tony will do it," Natasha said nonchalantly before pushing the elevator button to her floor. 

Steve was still confused but he didn't say anything. When they got to her floor, she unlocked the door and led Steve into her living room, then into her bedroom. 

Steve hadn't ever been there before, but it certainly wasn't what he expected. 

For one, the walls were a horrible bright hot pink that didn't look at all like Natasha. 

"Stark broke into my room while I was on a mission and painted it pink. You get to help me paint it back." 

Steve laughed slightly, "You don't like the pink?" 

Natasha glared at him, "Shut up and help me move my bed into the living room." 

Steve grinned. They moved all of the furniture out of her room and Natasha laid a large clear tarp over her floor, taping it down so there was no way paint could get on the floor. 

She threw a roll of blue tape at him, "Make yourself useful and tape up everything that we aren't painting." 

Steve nodded and did what she said. When he was done, she brought in several buckets of paint and handed him a brush. 

They started painting and Steve wasn't surprised at all that Natasha had chosen a darkish grey to replace the pink. 

They were working on the same wall and although Steve thought spreading out would be a little more productive, he was enjoying being so close to her. 

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