Rejection Hurts

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Requested by RainbowL12, something to do with Sharon😂

The first several times Sharon had asked Steve out, he had politely rejected her. He didn't want to date Sharon and he knew that even one date would make things worse. 

Especially for his relationship with Natasha. 

Steve had been in love with her for some time now and he didn't want her to have any reason for believing that he'd rather be on a date with Sharon then her. 

It didn't help that Natasha was relentless in trying to set him up...if not with Sharon then with any other breathing female who worked with Shield. 

Sharon just happened to be the only one who was willing to ask him out. 

The first time it was easy. Sharon had invited him out for coffee and all he had to say was that he had to train. She had accepted it and had simply offered to maybe do it another time, to which Steve had only shrugged. 

The second and third time, he had used Natasha as an excuse, saying that he had plans with her already and that maybe they could go another time. 

Now he hoped he wouldn't have to reject her again because now he was finally hoping to ask Natasha out. 

He knocked on her door already nervous. If Natasha rejected him he wouldn't know what to do. But both Clint and Tony had assured him that although Steve was too blind to see it, Natasha liked him as much as he did her.

Natasha opened the door looking confused. It was late and she probably wasn't expecting to see anyone else that night.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked, opening the door further as an invitation inside.

Steve stepped inside, "I actually came to ask you something but if you want I can come back tomorrow.  I forgot how late it was."

Natasha shook her head, "Don't worry about it. It's not like I'd be sleeping anyways."

Steve nodded, finding himself unsure how to act.

"What did you wanna ask me?" Natashaasked, grabbing a water from her fridge and hopping onto the counter.

Steve blushed slightly, "Well actually, I was hoping to ask you out. Like on a date."

Natasha froze and for the first time since Steve had known her, she looked caught off guard.

"A date?" She asked, her expression unreadable.

Steve nodded weakly, having a bad feeling about her answer.

Natasha frowned, her eyes  full of something Steve could only identify as regret, "You don't want to date me Steve."

Steve frowned, "Yes I do Nat. You're the only woman I've ever wanted to date since Peggy."

She shook her head, "You shouldn't want to date me Steve. I'm a mess. I don't deserve someone like you."

"I'm not any better of a person then you Natasha. All of us are a mess in our own ways."

Natasha sighed, hoping off the counter, "You don't get it Steve. I've killed hundreds of people. I've done things you'd never even think of. Your a fucking hero for God's sake and I'm just Shield's human weapon. Just like I was for the KGB. I'm not worth the trouble I bring wherever I go Steve."

Steve frowned, "And what if I think you are? Don't I get a say?"

"Please don't make this difficult Steve. Why me?"

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