Valentine's Day

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So I imagine that Natasha isn't overly fond of Valentine's Day but I imagine that she still would want some time with Steve. Basically, this is my take on how these two would spend it. 

Natasha had been away on a mission for weeks now. Steve had missed her terribly, but he didn't expect her to come rushing home to him just because it was Valentine's Day. 

They had only been in a defined relationship for a few months now, and he knew that she hated the idea of a holiday revolving around big displays of love and affection. 

So he had spent most of the day inside his apartment and watching movies that Natasha had suggested but told him she did not want to watch. 

Which is exactly why he was completely unprepared when he heard a knock on his apartment door around nine.

Steve froze for a moment and looked around his apartment, it wasn't messy, but there was a half eaten pizza on the counter and a stupid romantic comedy playing loudly. 

He doubted that it was Natasha, but he couldn't imagine who else would show up at his apartment this late. 

He opened the door and couldn't help but smile when he saw Natasha standing on the other side of it still dressed in her Black Widow suit with weapons holstered at her side. 

"Hey. I brought wine," She said, holding up the bottle she was carrying.

Steve stepped towards her and leaned down to kiss her. She seemed to be surprised by the gesture but returned the kiss quickly. 

"Hm, somebody missed me," She mumbled against his lips as he finally pulled her into the apartment. 

Steve smiled and pecked her lips one more time before taking the wine from her and setting it on the counter, "I did. I didn't expect you back so soon either." 

Natasha grinned, hoping onto his counter as Steve poured them two glasses, "Good surprise?" 

Steve nodded, handing her a glass and kissing her forehead, "Great surprise. Did you plan it?" 

Natasha shook her head, "No, we finished the mission around noon and as soon as we landed I stopped by the store to grab some wine and then headed over here. I figured you wouldn't mind the unexpected drop-by." 

Steve shook his head with a small laugh, "Did you go into the store in the Black Widow getup?" 

Natasha smirked, "Maybe. You'd be surprised what kind of discounts it gets me." 

Steve laughed and shook his head, "I can imagine. You're great the bargain runner." 

Natasha hopped off the counter, placing her hand on his chest and leaning up to kiss him. 

"You hungry? I could make us something to eat?" Steve offered. 

"Actually, yeah. Mind if I go take a shower and get cleaned up while you cook?" 

Steve shook his head, "How does leftover pizza sound? I haven't gone shopping in a while for groceries." 

 Natasha smiled, "Sounds great. I'll be back soon."

Steve nodded and began warming up the pizza as Natasha walked into his bedroom.

The pizza obviously didn't take long so once it was ready he went about tidying up his apartment. 

It was about thirty minutes later when Natasha re-emerged from his room wearing one of his t-shirts and tight pair of shorts with her hair down and still slightly damp.

"God Nat, you never fail to take my breath away," Steve whispered. 

Natasha laughed, "Seriously? I'm wearing one of your old shirts." 

Steve nodded, coming closer to her and kissing her, "You look better in them than I ever could." 

He backed up until his knees his the couch and fell onto it with Natasha in his lap, still kissing him. 

Natasha moaned slightly and pushed him away, "Alright, alright. We'll come back to this but right now I'm starving."

Steve laughed with a blush and stood up, "Sorry, I got distracted." 

Natasha smirked and walked to the counter where the pizza was, "That seems to be common issue with you." 

Steve grinned, looking like the little shit she knew he was, "Only when you're around." 

Natasha laughed quietly when Steve began placing kisses along her neck and jaw. 

"It doesn't help that you are a total tease," Steve mumbled, resting his chin on her shoulder as Natasha continued to eat. 

She took a long sip from her wine and raised her eyebrows, "I've got no idea what you are talking about." 

Steve rolled his eyes and sat down besides her, "If you say so."

He sat down in the stool besides her and Natasha wasted no time propping her feet in his lap and leaning back in her own chair. 

"Has anyone ever told you that you're an incredible foot rest?" She asked, smirking up at Steve. 

Steve laughed, "Yeah. You...several times. You've also said that I'd make a good couch, and pillow, and I think you once said table too." 

Natasha hummed in agreement, "I stand by that statement." 

Steve laughed and took her foot in her hand so that he could gently massage it. 

"You never told me how your mission went," Steve said.

Natasha shrugged, "The usual. Got out with hardly a scratch though, if that's what you're really asking." 

Steve nodded, "Good, I was worried about you." 

"You're always worried about me. It's like you forget that you're literally dating the Black Widow," Natasha said with a small laugh. 

Steve gently put her feet down and got out of his stool, stepping towards her, "I don't forget that I'm dating the Black Widow. I just know that she's not quite as indestructible as she likes to pretend she is." 

Natasha glared at him and hit his shoulder, "You're lucky I like you." 

Steve grinned and kissed her forehead, "Don't I know it." 

Natasha sighed and set her plate and glass down so that she could wrap her arms around Steve's neck and lean up to kiss him. 

"Would you be upset if I said happy Valentine's Day?" Steve asked with a small grin against her lips. 

Natasha frowned, "Yes. It's a stupid holiday and has nothing to do with me being here." 

Steve laughed and kissed her again, "Okay. That's fair. What about if I said I loved you?" 

He could feel Natasha freeze the moment the words left his lips but she made no move to pull away, instead she just smiled and kissed him again, "No. That one I don't mind so much." 

Steve smiled, "Good. Because I love you Natasha. More than anything." 

"I love you too Steve," Natasha promised, never doubting the words for a second.

Hey guys. I hope you all enjoyed this super fluffy Valentine's Day one-shot and the holiday. Please comment and vote if you enjoyed! 

Happy Valentine's Day!

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