Teases and Truths

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Everyone teases Steve about being a virgin but Natasha knows better. I'm gonna go ahead and apologize for my attempt at these terrible jokes lmao. 

Steve was used to relentless teasing. Since his defrosting and joining the Avengers, he had heard it all. 

There were jokes about his age, his uniform, his patriotism, and most of all, his rumored virginity.

As of lately, the later had been a favorite of his teammates. Particularly Tony.

They seemed to love poking fun at his lack of experience when it came to females and it was getting a little ridiculous. 

"Hey Steve, there's going to be a party here tonight and I'm mandating your presence," Tony said one afternoon as Steve walked into the kitchen. 

Steve frowned, "Sorry Tony. I can't." 

Tony frowned, "Why not?" 

Steve scratched behind his ear, "I've got plans." 

Tony rolled his eyes, "A date with your right hand isn't plans Rogers. It's sad." 

Steve turned a dark red, "No really. I've got plans with a friend. I can't come." 

"What friend? You don't have any friends outside the Avengers." 

Steve frowned, "Yes I do." 

Tony raised an eyebrow, "Name five...not including Peggy." 

Steve glared at Tony, "I'm not gonna prove myself to you Stark. I can't make it." 

Tony groaned, "Ugh. Well at least I know its not a date. You apparently hate all fun." 

Just then, Natasha walked in and Tony directed his attention to her, "Hey Natalie! You're coming to the party here tonight right?" 

She shook her head, "Nope. Can't." 

Tony sighed, "I hate being the only one here who knows how to have a good time." 

Walking into the room, Clint raised an eyebrow, "Who doesn't know how to have a good time?" 

Tony pointed at Steve, "Mostly him." 

Natasha smirked at Steve, grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and left him alone with the other two men. 

"Cap just because you are an old man doesn't mean you have to act like one," Clint said. 

Tony nodded, "You surely don't have the experience of one." 

Tony and Clint both snickered at that and Steve rolled his eyes before walking towards the elevator.

He took it up to Natasha's floor and knocked on her door once he arrived. 

"Hey," She said, opening the door and inviting him inside, "I'm surprised you got away from Clint and Tony that quickly." 

Steve rolled his eyes, "They were too busy laughing at my 'lack of experience' to notice me slip out."

Natasha raised an eyebrow, "Lack of experience? Do they think you're still a virgin?" 

Steve nodded, "They knew I was a few years ago because Thor got me drunk and it's not like I've had any romantic partners since then. Other than you of course." 

Natasha grinned, "Well I'd be happy to let them know otherwise." 

Steve shook his head, "It's really not a big deal. Plus I kind of like keeping this between us right now. Who knows how much they'd tease us about dating."

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