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Two months had passed since Jasmine joined the group of the 'strongest in the world' but she felt that there was still something wrong about the whole thing. 

Right now after a mission, Jasmine had finished taking a shower which was linked up to her room. (Not that Luce or the others knew. she didn't want to share the same bathroom as Sideburns, thank you!)

She also swept her hair to the side, showing her lightning scar. 

Right when Lal Mirch knocked on her door. "Hey, Jazz. Ya want a drink or somethin? Everyone's gathered downstairs. Luce's orders. To spend time as a family." She said before leaving.

Jasmine shook her head and put on her nightgown and robe and got downstairs before anyone else, taking a spot on a leather chair, crossing her legs.

Jasmine shook her head and put on her nightgown and robe and got downstairs before anyone else, taking a spot on a leather chair, crossing her legs

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Currently, Jasmine was reading an old book that Reborn saw that had a strange symbol on it. It looked like a triangle with a circle inside and a line that bisected it. The book was also very old from the condition of it. There was also some text on the front Reborn saw;

'The last enemy that shall be defeated is Death' in Latin?

"What book is this? Never seen one like that." Reborn asked getting Jasmine's attention.

"Oh, it's mostly a story told to Mystic children, but it actually teaches them not to meddle with Death." Jasmine said getting her Luce's attention. 

"I would love to hear about this story." Luce said sitting next to her.

Jasmine looked around the living room and figured it wouldn't hurt to use some smoke spells to help tell the story.

"Alright, but i warn you, it's a little dark." Jasmine said, as she used her wand to control some smoke to make shapes. And unknowingly getting more attention from the others who a little curious of what kind of stories Mystics told to others.

'There were once three brothers, who were travelling along a lonely, winding road at twilight. 

In time, they reached a river too treacherous to pass. But being learned in the Magical Arts, they simply waved their wands and made a bridge.

But before they could cross, their path was blocked by a hooded figure.

It was Death himself.'

That definitely got the attention of the people in the room as the smoke made the figure of Death as he was depicted in the story. Lal stopped polishing her gun, Viper paused in counting their money, Fon and Luce looked on in curiosity, even Verde paused in his paperwork.

Reborn wasn't often a man who was intrigued by a simple story, but he had to say he was impressed so far.

'He was angry that he had been cheated out of three new victims for travelers usually drowned in the river.

But Death was also cunning.

He pretended to praise the brothers on their magic, and claimed that they should all earn a prize for being clever enough to evade him.

The oldest brother; Anitoch, who was a combative man asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence. One that must always win duels for its owner. A wand worthy of a wizard who conquered Death. So Death crossed to an elder tree nearby and fashioned a wand from one of its branches for Anitoch. 

The second brother; Cadimus, who was an arrogant man, decided to ridicule Death even further and asked for the power to recall others from Death. So Death picked up a stone from the riverbank and gave it to Cadimus, telling him that the stone would have the power to recall the dead.

Finally, Death turned to the youngest brother; Ignotius, who was a humble and wise man and he didn't trust Death. He asked for something that would allow him to go forth from that place without being followed by Death. And Death, most unwillingly handed over his own Cloak of Invisability.

In due course, the brothers separated for their own destinations.

Anitoch travelled to a distant village, and with the Elder Wand, he killed a fellow wizard with whom he often quarreled. Drunk with the power the Elder Wand had given him, Anitoch proceeded to an inn where he boasted loudly of the wand he 'snatched from Death himself' and how it made him invincible.

But that night as Anitoch slept in his bed, a jealous wizard crept into his room, stole the wand, and for good measure, Anitoch's life.

And so Death took the first brother.

Cadimus returned home where he lived alone. There he took the stone and turned it thrice in hand. To his delight, the maiden that he had hoped to marry before her untimely death appeared at once before him. But as time passed, she grew sad and cold for she no longer belonged to the world of the living and suffered as a result.

Finally, driven mad with hopeless longing, Cadimus hung himself so as to join her.

And so Death took the second brother.

As for Ignotius, Death searched for many years but was never able to find him. It was only when he attained a great age that Ignotius shed the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. 

He then greeted Death like an old friend, and went with him gladly.

And as equals, they departed this life.'

It wasn't until the end of the story that Jasmine noticed that the story grabbed the attention of the others in the room.

"I didn't think everyone would listen in." Jasmine gaining their attention.

"Honestly, I never heard of such a story that was told to children like this one." Fon said with his arms in his sleeves.

"Well, this one was mostly passed in my family, so we know it better than anyone else. It was mainly to teach their kids not to meddle with Death, it doesn't like being cheated or tricked after all."  Jasmine said, earning a nod from the Chinese man.

Although this made a certain hitman stare at Jasmine, not in interest, but of curiosity, wanting to figure out the puzzle that was Jasmine.


Here's the next part!

Thank you for waiting

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