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If one were to tell one Jasmine Catherine Potter that she would be the one not only to master the Deathly Hallows and gain almost all the power in the world, or even accidentally involved with the Mafia of all things, she would laugh at them.

Then she would remember that she was cursed with the infamous Potter Luck.

Of course she would be in the first situation. 

Shortly after Voldemort was gone for good, Jasmine was really busy, making sure that everything would be fine, but she would get jitters about some things, like she was in a dream that would end one day.

Then something strange happened.

She had strange purple flames coming out of her fingertips after she accidentally burned her fingers during cooking, and she wasn't clumsy either.

She was confused about this and went to consult Hermione. Apparently, she really didn't have the answer, but she told Jasmine there was an old Italian wizard in Italy that had the information she needed about it.

Jasmine went to see the old wizard, and he told her all about the flames.

She had Cloud flames, which are the rare, only second to Sky flames.

Jasmine spent the next few months learning about Flames, learning to control them, and the old wizard told her what she needed to know about the mafia since she would inevitably know about it. It turns out the Mafia and Wizard worlds have come across each other in the past, and the Mafia would call them Mystics. It was also rare for mystics to gain flames when it was a muggle ability to only a few of them. When Jasmine had to leave, the old wizard warned her not to reveal her status as a mystic or a Cloud because she would be pursued by many families in the Mafia. 


As time passed, Jasmine's friends seemed to have moved on from the war. Ron and Hermione were getting married, George was getting better at handling Fred's death and gained a new partner in Seamus who was getting married to Ginny, Draco also patched things up with the rag-tag group, Teddy was safe with his grandmother and Jasmine would pay an occasional visit. And so on.

Jasmine supposed that she would have a good life, but she was soon swamped with marriage proposals, being the last of her line, having learned she was the Lady/Dutchess to many houses including Gryffindor, Potter, Black, Flamel and Peverell by her dad's lineage, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, LeFay, and Pendragon on her mother's side (which whose magic along the line somehow vanished in the distant past with her mom's predecessors, no one knew how), Slytherin, Lestrange, Lockheart, Gaunt and Quierrel by Right of Conquest, and Merlin by Magical inheritance. Since then, Jasmine had nothing to do really since she was wealthy beyond imagination. She was going stir-crazy the longer she was staying in England. 

Luna suggested that she could go to Europe and do something. 

So she did. But the Potter Luck strikes again!

Her first stop was a casino (that was also a base for a mafia family, she swore she didn't know!) she had cleaned the boss of the casino of his wealth and his expression was hilarious. And was able to get away before he could have her head!

The second time it struck was when she unintentionally entered a scuffle with rouge Chinese Triads on the run. And since they were holding some innocents hostage, she couldn't just sit back. But she used her Cloud Flames since the rouges were using flames as well. After she took care of them, she never noticed a certain Chinese man watching her and failing to find her. He had to report of this to his superiors. 

Then one day, as she was just singing by the street, and sang at a karaoke bar, she was sought out by other places that wanted her to sing. She travelled around Europe and sang many interesting songs that people loved.

Then came the day she went to 'Mafia Land'.....

If she could go back to her younger self, she would tell her to steer clear of a man with curly sideburns.

Because she didn't know how much trouble he'll bring by just meeting him.


Yeah, that's right, this will be a Fem!Harry is Skull story, but with a different twist, rather than being a stuntman, Fem!Harry takes on another form of show business in the Mafia.

Let me know what pairing you want for Fem!Harry/Skull

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