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"Strike harder, Selene," her father encouraged. She nodded, intensifying her punches on the wooden training post. Her fists were bleeding from the relentless strikes, culminating in the post finally breaking with her last punch.

She heard her father's applause and turned to him with a smile. "Can I rest now?" she asked. Her father, though smiling, clarified, "Sure, but after fifteen minutes, continue your training." His face brightened at her grateful response, and she quickly retreated into their home.

Observing her daughter, memories of her mother flooded his mind. "Ten years have passed, my love. Our daughter is blossoming," he whispered to the heavens.

Despite the time that had gone by since her return to their homeland, not a day passed without her checking on them.

"The destined moment is drawing near," she added, glancing at her father, who stood beside her. "Prepare yourself as her abilities will be tested. Through this, we'll know if she's fit to lead the creatures and the world you've created," she nodded in agreement.


"Stay strong, my child, you are loved by your mother," she heard in her dream, abruptly waking her up.

Her mother appeared in her dream, adorned in a radiant white dress with a small crown on her head. Her long, curly hair cascaded down, and she wore golden bracelets on both arms. A goddess-like figure approached, bringing both joy and an overwhelming sense of longing.

"Be at peace, my child; your mother loves you."

Repeatedly, those words echoed in her mind, leaving her confused. "What do you mean, Mother?" she mumbled to the void. Anxiety gripped her chest as she wondered if something unfortunate was about to happen.


A year passed, marking her sixteenth birthday. Like the tales her father shared, a lycanthrope's transformation occurred at this age, allowing her to change form.

Selene experienced excruciating pain during her first transformation. It felt like her bones were breaking, and she nearly lost consciousness due to the bodily changes. Her lycanthropic form, a golden-furred wolf with a symbol on her forehead, left witnesses astonished.

Witnessing this unique creature, she recalled historical records and prophecies. In Hemrous, no being could possess a golden body without a connection to the gods and goddesses.

Her gaze encompassed everything. "The prophecy of Lady Lucretia is fulfilled. She is the chosen one," she murmured, watching everyone marvel at the extraordinary wolf.


With pride, her mother watched as she underwent her first transformation. The noble blood flowed through her veins, evident in her majestic appearance.

"Goddess, you are summoned by your father, the king," a guard informed.

"Alright, I'll come." She replied.

Upon arriving at the Royal hall, she was greeted by Eros's teasing gaze.

"Artemis," he called her.

"Eros," she responded.

"It seems you're lost," he chuckled at her response.

"I'm here to help fulfill the prophecy," she replied sternly, earning an intrigued look from Eros.

This transformation allowed her to experience love, thanks to Eros, the god of love, and a lycanthrope she fell in love with. Love truly was magical, teaching a creature to be courageous and stand tall.

"Thank you," she sincerely expressed, leaving Eros speechless. Never before had Artemis expressed gratitude or apologized.


Her father, distracted by the lush vegetation surrounding them, seemed uneasy. "Father, are you okay?" she inquired, noticing his restlessness.

"Someone is watching us," he replied, scanning the surroundings. "Come, we need to prepare. I sense impending danger."

They rushed back home, fetching their weapons. She took the weapons her father crafted for her – small knives, a bow and arrows, and a sword from her mother.

"Rest for a while. I'll wake you when it's time to leave," he reassured, waking her from her slumber.

Startled awake, he urged, "Come on. We need to walk. We must distance ourselves before dawn."


After three hours of walking, her tired legs forced her to pause. "Father, can we rest for a moment?" she requested. Observing her fatigue, he allowed her to rest.

Deep anxiety pervaded her as she heard rustling around them. She glanced at her father, witnessing his concern.

"Selene, my daughter, run away from here!" he yelled as he engaged in a fierce battle with a black wolf.

"No, Father! I won't leave you!" she shouted back, joining the fight against another wolf that had suddenly appeared.

"Please, my child. Go!" He yelled while battling. Defying his plea, she continued to fight.

As they successfully killed the two wolves, her father approached her, holding her face. "Please, my child, leave this place. I'll distract them. Save yourself," he insisted.

"No, Father! I won't let you be harmed and lost like Mother. I can't bear it," tears welled up in her eyes.

"Listen to me. Run away from here. I'll distract them. You need to live for everyone," he kissed her forehead and stepped back.

"I love you so much, my child, both your mother and I," he said before running in the opposite direction.

Tears streamed down her face as she left the area, leaving her father to confront the dangers alone.

Now alone, she faced a world she barely knew. Truly alone.

SELENE: Daughter Of The Moon GoddessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant