I finally turn to Malika, tears sliding down my cheeks as rare as my candidness.

Malika sighs and takes my hand in hers. I feel her squeeze. I know she means to assure me, but I am far from assured. "You will find the words when the time comes, but now. Go get some rest so you can be here when she wakes up."

I nod, though I feel the deepest dread as I get to my feet. "I suppose you're right."

As we prepare to exit the room, I hear a word that stops me.


I turn to see her looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

"Go!" Malika gives me a little nudge towards the bed. "I'll go get the doctor."

With her gone, I stand still by the door, unable to take the steps to reach her.

"Is that you?" her voice catches in her throat. A tremble spreads through her body and I see her shake. "Where am I?" she asks through gritted teeth.

"You're at a CodeTech research facility in the heart of Kurrungai National Park. In Sydney." I hear my disembodied voice and am surprised at how calm I sound. I am anything but calm. Where the bloody hell is her doctor?

I slowly approach her side, wanting to take her hand in mine, but all I can do is hold the safety rails. "Are you in pain?" She gives me the briefest of nods and closes her eyes. Trying not to scream is my bet.

I walk to the other side of her bed, towards the machine that controls her morphine, feeling rather unsteady on my feet. I up the dosage a little, just enough to take the edge off her pain till her attendants get here.

"Can I get you anything?"

She shakes her head and grabs my hand. Her tight, desperate grip loosens as the drug kicks in. "Where's Billie? Where's Billie?"

"I'm right here, Alisha, I'm right here." I squeeze her hand back.

"No, not you. My daughter." She shakes her head and stares at me with terrified eyes. "Where's my daughter?"

She named her kid after me? I take a while to process this. She has a kid. She has a kid, and that means she moved on with someone, unlike me. I know it shouldn't, but I feel my heart break another piece.

The nurses and doctor rush into the room to do their job. I reluctantly take a step back and give them space. "They only found you in your home."

Alisha's eyes find me. Past the hustle of the doctor and nurses around her bedside as her heart rate spikes and her breath catches in her throat. "Find her... Billy." She reaches for my hand as her body contorts into the throes of a seizure.

Malika is by my side again, gently coaxing me out of the room. "Billy, you shouldn't be here. Give them space."

Numb, I let her lead me out, down the corridor towards the nurse's station, and out into the waiting area. "Ask her about her daughter. Where is she? Where can I find her?" I suddenly grip Malika's hand in mine as she pushes me out the front doors. "Is this clinic connected to the surface? To their files?"

"What?" Malika shakes her head but stops. "She has a daughter?" The fact dawning on her finally. "And you want to find her?"

I nod. "I have to. For her."

Malika lets go of me and strides back to the computers behind the reception, sliding herself into a chair. "What's her name?"


Malika stops a moment, glancing up at me, surprised. "She named her kid after you?"

I don't know what to say. Maybe? I guess.

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