What if...

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(WARNING: There's a slight mention of suicide in this chapter! If you are sensitive to that topic, please don't read!)

(Not a part of the real story! This is just for fun, so don't worry!)

Sugawara walked into the hospital slowly. It's been another week that Daichi has been here. He hated seeing Daichi there. Laying on the bed, motionless.

It was a surprise when Nakajima wasn't in the waiting area to greet him. He shrugged it off. She was probably checking up in Daichi. Sugawara's visits were sometimes random, anyway.

As he walked down the hall to Daichi's room, a man pushed past Sugawara. Must be an emergency, he thought. Panic hit him like a wave when the man turned into Daichi's room.

Sugawara rushed to Daichi's room and looked inside. Nakajima was in there, scurrying around to help Daichi the best she could. The silver haired male stared into the room with horror.

"What happened? I thought he was doing better!" Sugawara yelled, stepping into the room only to be caught by the waist. He screamed and scratched at the person holding him as he watched them try and save Daichi.

The horrid, long beep from Daichi's monitor sounded, sending Sugawara into an even more intense panic. "Save him! Please!" Tears slipped from his eyes as he kept them on Daichi.

Nakajima stepped away, her chin quivering. She looked at Sugawara. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."

"No!" Sugawara cried, tearing free from the person holding him to run to Daichi and cup his face. His tears ran down, some dripping onto the man on the bed.

The love of his life was dead.

Sugawara never smiled after that. When Nishinoya and Tanaka would mess around, he kept silent and walked with them. When Hinata embarrassed himself, he just stared blankly at the ground.

The others were worried, that was for sure. Furutani tried figuring out what was wrong with him, but after not getting an answer he just left Sugawara alone.

Asahi tried getting any reaction out of him. Even crying would do. Anything to show that Sugawara hadn't gone down yet. His eyes would glaze over and a few tears would slip, but nothing more than that.

When Sugawara would go home, he would curl up in his room and cry while hugging one of Daichi's shirts to his chest. He cursed out Daichi's father, cursed out himself. He was broken. Broken beyond repair.

Kiyoko visited often. He was grateful, but he couldn't bring his head up to look at her. He had gone weak. His grades slipped. It's as if he thought that there was no worth trying. Now that Daichi's gone.

I should have never showed myself to him that one day, Sugawara would scold himself. That's something Daichi made him stop doing, but he's gone, and Sugawara couldn't help but blame himself for it.

The little fawn was there as well. It would lay its head on his thigh while he wept. He used to find comfort that even when he felt alone, the fawn would do the same thing, but it was useless now. Sometimes he would notice tears that slip from the fawn's eyes as well.

Then one night, when Sugawara was done crying, he saw the fawn walk up to the window and look at him. It gave him a small lick on his hand when he outstretched it and started fading. Sugawara shot up from his bed and fell to the ground and tried grabbing at the fawn to stop it.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy again," it said before it fully faded, leaving Sugawara in his dark, cold room, alone. Alone with his thoughts that he would only share with the fawn.

After that Sugawara felt all hope was lost, it really was to him. He never answered anything. His grades got worse and worse. He drifted away from everyone other than Kiyoko, who was persistent to make him feel one again. He was numb. No emotion washed over his face when he watched animals play around in the streets. Didn't get angry when someone pushed him out of their way. He couldn't blame them. He was too weak to lift his head up to watch for anybody.

He finally couldn't take it anymore. Sugawara hated feeling this way. Daichi was dead. The love of his life. The person he wanted to live his life with. Sugawara walked out to the special spot. He wanted to see it one more time.

Everyone was looking around for Sugawara worriedly. Asahi was the one who found him. He was already long gone at that point.

A silver haired male shot up in bed suddenly, gasping for breath. He grabbed his chest, making sure he was still there. He looked around frantically until someone's arms wrapped around him.

"Did you have the dream too?" a male asked him. He looked up with slight confusion anxiously. "The elf one?"

He nodded and buried his face into the stronger male's chest, letting out a shaky sigh. "I was so scared, Daichi."

"Don't worry, I'm still here, Koushi," Daichi whispered into Sugawara's hair. He placed a kiss on the other's head and tilted his head up to look at him. "I can't believe we met each other again."

"Me too, and with the same names," Sugawara chuckled, smiling softly and bringing his hand to Daichi's face. "I love you, please never leave me."

"I would never," Daichi said seriously. He captured Sugawara's lip in a slow kiss and pulled away with a smile. "I love you too."

Sugawara smiled and laid down, waiting for Daichi to lay back down so he cuddle into his chest to fall asleep once more.


I made myself sad I guess. So I have been planning this alternate ending for a while, even debated on having it be the real ending at one point. I'm glad it wasn't, I would've made myself sad if it was actually the ending 😆

So, basically, Daichi and Sugawara in this alternate ending were having a dream about their past lives. Daichi had woke up first since he died beforehand.

That's all! Hope you guys have and amazing day!!💛💛

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