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Victoria had been at the Academy for a few days now, and it was safe to say she really liked it. She felt as if she were in Hogwarts, because in a way, she kind of was. She had met her roommate Prudence; the two were polar opposites, but they still got along. Prudence had nearly fallen off her bed when she had heard Victoria's last name (as she had been going by Scratch whilst on the premises of the Academy).

When Victoria had asked her why, she had simply shrugged and said "I didn't know Nick had a sister."

Victoria chuckled lightly and had answered, "well, neither did I."

Having stayed up late last night, studying for her Demonology test later today, Victoria was quite exhausted. She was currently on her way to Cartology class, her deck of tarot cards laying in her bag. As she headed through the doorway, she quickly spotted an empty seat up front and sat down, putting her head in her hand.

A seemingly young woman suddenly teleported to the front of the class and clapped her hands. All the students suddenly straightened their backs and looked to the front, Victoria taking notice of this and following their lead.

"My name is Sister Ophelia." Victoria's eyebrows furrowed; this was the woman who was meant to give her one on one class tomorrow about her powers. "I will be helping you along your journey of mastering the art of tarot reading."

She began walking through the rows of desks, eyeing each student individually as she spoke. When she made eye contact with Victoria, she only raised her brows slightly before continuing on. "You are all in this class because the coven believes the talent of divination has been passed down to you. If you prove this belief wrong, or show me your lack of vigour, I will not hesitate to have you removed. Am I clear?"

A collective Yes Sister Ophelia was heard, and the woman made her way to the front. "Place your decks on the table. We will be starting off simple, as a warm up. We will be doing one card draws, and the question we would like answered today is; what does our future hold?" She paused, once again looking over at the students. "Remember to ask Satan for clarity, since it is because of His power we can see our future."

Victoria placed her cards on the table, doing as instructed. She grabbed her cards, starting her prayer to Satan in her head. She was trying hard to concentrate on her future, to repeat her question as her teacher had instructed, but she was simply too exhausted and her mind went elsewhere.

Without realising, Victoria started thinking about Susie and how much she missed her; how much she missed Roz, and how much she missed Sabrina. Her thoughts then trailed to Harvey, and a scowl suddenly formed on her face. At least she didn't miss him.

As she was thinking this, suddenly a card fell out of her deck. Victoria looked down in fright, but just as she was about to pick it up, Sister Ophelia had already grabbed it.

Sister Ophelia stared at her in curiosity, an unknown tone in her voice. "Very nice Miss Scratch. You are the first one to manage to pick a card." She then glanced at the card, chuckling lightly, then putting it down on the table. "The Sun card. Very rarely do witches pull this card, as we are creatures of lust and not love."

Victoria stared at her quizzically, meekly asking, "and what exactly does it mean?"

Sister Ophelia sighed, "I shall let you have a pass on not having memorised the cards yet, as you have been the first one to manage to have a card drawn for you. However, next time I will not be so lenient, Miss Scratch." She paused, picking up her card. "The Sun is one of the major tarot cards for love. The Sun is a soulmate indicator because it teaches us about positive feelings, expansion, optimism, also representing happiness, contentment and joy."

Victoria's eyes widened considerably, "So... That means..." she paused, "my future contains love?"

Sister Ophelia chuckled, before looking down at Victoria knowingly. "Not just any love, my child. A soulmate. Whoever you were thinking about is in for a big surprise." She then proceeded to walk away, helping the other witches and warlocks.

Victoria froze upon hearing her last sentence; her teacher had figured out she wasn't thinking about her future. She shook it off though, since she hadn't gotten in trouble for it.

And then realisation hit her.

She had been thinking of Harvey.


Victoria's head was a mess. Since her teacher had uttered the fateful words explaining what her card meant, she couldn't even begin to fathom how many things were wrong with that statement.

First off, she despised Harvey with every inch of her being; the goody two shoes, I must help everyone attitude he had going on was something that deeply irked Victoria. Second, Harvey was Sabrina's boyfriend, and friend's boyfriend's were absolutely off limits.

She came to the conclusion that she was a terrible witch and her powers had gone wack; there simply wasn't any other explanation. Maybe, for once in her life, Victoria Murphy-or Scratch, she didn't really care in this moment- was wrong. That was easier to believe than what Sister Ophelia had told her.

She was abruptly knocked out of her train of thoughts, having collided with a rather small frame. She glanced down, about to mutter an apology, when suddenly she froze in confusion.


an: okay guys, a few disclaimers

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an: okay guys, a few disclaimers. I know literally nothing about tarot card reading. everything you see here is courtesy of my research, so sorry if I got anything wrong.

secondly, I am in no way shape or form trying to insinuate tarot readers are satan worshippers; I love tarot reading, it intrigues me a lot, and have immense respect for those who can do readings. it's only for the sake of this story that tarot reading is like this.

and now onto a lighter note, I have shaved my head. quarantine has gotten to me lol.

h xx

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