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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Victoria woke up to her alarm clock ringing, groaning whilst getting up to turn it off. She stretched, satisfied when hearing her back crack. Looking at her messy bed, she quickly made it, then glanced around her room in satisfaction of the order.

Her walls were white, as were her furniture. The only pop of colour were the dozens of house plants scattered around her room, ranging from small succulents to a big fern. She prided herself in her plants; her parents never really allowed her to have a pet, since she was too young to take care of it properly in their opinion, so she decided to invest her time in growing plants to prove them wrong.

She walked to her closet, opening it and deciding to put on something appropriate for the weather in Greendale for once. Tugging on the black jeans and tucking here pumpkin coloured sweater into it, she sat down at her vanity. She quickly slipped on her ring and bracelet and started applying her make up.

Her dad knocked on her doorframe, "Hey Honey, I'm off to work. What's your day going to be like?"

Victoria paused whilst filling in her eyebrows, "well I have cheerleading tryouts today, so I hope I make the team."

Her dad smiled kindly at her, "I bet you will. You spent two years on the team in San Fransisco; they are lucky to have you." He paused, "well I have to go. See you at supper, I love you."

Victoria smiled, "okay dad, love you."

Her father having left, Victoria got up and grabbed her bag, heading downstairs. Having shouted her goodbyes to her mother, she walked out the door and into the woods she was beginning to love.

Though, this time, something felt off. She didn't feel as calm as the day before walking through it, not per say because of the forest itself. She couldn't see anyone, but she felt as if she was being watched, observed. It was as if something was trying to warn her, telling her to be alert. She glanced around in a panic, calming herself, telling herself she was just being paranoid. And it worked; for half of her journey through the forest, she was calm. But then happened something that proved her paranoia; she heard a twig snap.

Victoria's head snapped towards the direction of the sound, catching a glimpse of a dark head of hair. That's all it took for Victoria to take off sprinting.

Gasping for breath, Victoria finally arrived in front of the school. Heading inside, breathing deeply since she did sprint for 10 minutes straight, she went towards her locker.

She spotted Sabrina up ahead, who turned to look at her and hugged her. "Hey! How was the walk home from the movie? Did you get home safe?"

Victoria smiled at her, "yeah, I did, I love the woods so it's okay." She paused, weighing wether to tell Sabrina about the experience she just had. She decided on not to, not wanting to be labeled a freak again. "And you? Did you get home safe?"

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