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The sky seemed to be a never ending loop of grey that morning, even though it was the middle of October and in California the sun never disappointed. Victoria slipped on her black dress, sat in front of her vanity and stared at her dull reflection in the mirror. Attempting to cover up the dark circles under her eye, she grabbed her concealer and dabbed some under her eye.

Her mum popped her head through her doorway, having a gentle smile on her face. "Ready to go?"

Victoria nodded and cleared her throat. "Yeah, sure... just, um give me a second." Her mum nodded and left. Victoria quickly finished up her makeup, grabbed her purse and headed downstairs to meet her mum and dad.

Sitting in the car, staring at the clouds up above she wondered how she could've been so stupid to agree to join. But then again, Cindy always had a way of convincing her to do stupid stuff. It is the definition of their friendship.

Victoria caught her train of thoughts and corrected herself quickly, fighting back the tears. Was the definition of their friendship. Not anymore because she was dumb and agreed to do something she shouldn't have.

Shutting the door behind her, she tried to ignore the stares and whispers of her peers as she headed into the inside of the church. As if sensing her arrival, everyone turned around and stared whilst whispering in hushed tones. Victoria gulped and fiddled with her bracelet to ease her nerves. Sensing her daughters unease, her mother placed her hand on her back and gently guided her to their seats.

The ceremony nearly being over, Victoria thought she had finally survived it and could go home in peace. That was until Cindy's mum broke down sobbing. She glared in Victoria's direction, "You! It's all your fault, you freak! You took my only daughter from me! HOW COULD YOU?"

Victoria couldn't take it any longer; she fled the church, her parents following closely behind her. The car ride home was mostly quiet, Victoria being consumed by her thoughts of maybe, just maybe Cindy's mother, and everyone else, was right.

Maybe she was a freak.

Quickly wiping her tears so that her parents won't notice, albeit they probably knew already, she stared out the window, trying to rid herself of these thoughts. Her mother quietly spoke up, "Honey, your dad and I have been thinking ever since the incident... and, well... we believe we should move. Your dad got a new job proposition as a journalist in a small town two hours from here."

Her dad continued, "I was going to turn it down, seeing how we have lived here our whole life and you loved it here but well since..." He cleared his throat and continued, "what we'd like to ask is if you'd be okay with moving."

Victoria swallowed thickly, thinking about her answer. "I mean, it can't get much worse than this, so sure, why not?"

If only she knew how wrong she was.

✙ ✙ ✙

author's note

new harvey fic, I'm back to fanfiction writing during this quarantine. you guys are not ready for what is about to go down. I also promise to finish this one since I already have the whole thing planned out. let me know your thoughts and theories lovelies ;)

h xx

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