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Victoria had always been a headstrong girl, always wanting to prove people wrong when they said she couldn't do something. Her parents,  Anna and Carl Murphy were especially proud of her for that.

When she was younger, at the age of 10, she loved flipping through her mums old university textbooks to try and understand what exactly becoming a Doctor meant. Not understanding a word from the book, she went to her mother for help in understanding the overly complicated words in the textbook

Her mother laughed at her, "Honey, most of these are in latin, that's why you don't understand them."

Victoria's eyes widened, "Latin?"

Her mother nodded, "An ancient language that people do not use anymore."

Young Victoria paused for a moment, her curiosity piqued. "And to become a doctor does one have to know latin?"

Anna nodded, "not necessarily, but it does look good on your university application." She sighed and smiled, "but you are way to young to be thinking of that already."

On that day, Victoria decided she would take latin and become a doctor like her mother, to help people, and partially because she adored the challenge understanding the textbook showed. The latin language had completely bewitched her.

She showed up to her first day of 6th grade, knowing that she would have to apply for latin classes.

She knocked on the administration's office, ready to apply. She was met with a middle aged man, who later introduced himself as Mr. Johnson, and she sat by his desk to ask the question that has been burning on her tongue since the age of 10. The response, however, was not what she expected.

Mr. Johnson laughed at her, "Latin? Why would you want to take latin? Shouldn't a girl like you be more interested in art class, or cheer tryouts?"

Victoria's face turned into a scowl. "I need to later on take AP latin to become a doctor, and to get accepted to that class I need to start doing latin this year."

Mr. Johnson laughed once again, "okay, whatever you say kid."

Victoria went on to pass all her latin tests with a perfect score. Each time, she'd think of Mr. Johnson and his smug face. When the teacher would look to her for help with pronunciation, she'd think of Mr. Johnson. And finally, when she was notified she was accepted to AP latin her freshman year, she thought especially of Mr. Johnson and his condescending smile. 


In the present day, Victoria awoke to someone shaking her gently. She peeled her eyes open, squinting as the sun shone into her eyes. She groggily glanced at her mother, who was smiling down at her amused.

"Hey sleepy head." Her mum laughed as Victoria grunted and shoved her head into her pillow. "It's 11am, and there's somebody here to see you."

At that, Victoria sat up. She stared at her mum in confusion, "who?"

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