Chapter One- Back Together Again..Maybe

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"I love you more than you know and I will always support you but please explain to me how you expect this to work Zayn? I love y'all more than anything and I would give everything to have One Direction back together if it is realistic. I know how it is being on tour, directioners willing to do ANYTHING for you, rumors spiraling in every single direction that you can imagine and that is why I have questions. How do you expect this to work? We have four kids Zayn, four.. Not one or two but four. The twins are about to be thirteen and Jazzy is eight and you said you still want another but now you tell me you want to go on a world tour like you expect me to raise "our" family by myself. You need to explain." I hissed out ,my arms crossed and biting my tongue as I looked him over, warning him to carefully think about his next words or he would be sleeping alone for a long while.

"Princess, I love you and I do want our family to continue growing but I also want to give our fans what we promised them. Don't you think this is a good time to tour now that the kids are older? The twins are practically teenagers, Jazzy is old enough to handle herself, and to say he is only ten Ethan is as mature as Kay. I wouldn't even suggest this if I didn't think that we can handle being apart or the kids couldn't handle it. I would let you all tour with me if I could but we both know that is unrealistic and the kids still have school." Zayn finished looking at me, waiting to see how I would react.

I pursed my lips nodding my head knowing what he was saying did make some sense even if I hated it. I wanted them back together for so long and I know their fans did as well but our family was more important and I still had some major questions.

"What about Dawn? How will that work unless OT5 is really going to be 4 out of 5 or even 3 out of 5. Is Kenz and Sara okay with that?"

"Well.." Zayn started cutting me off before I could finish my questions. "Kenz and Sara are okay with it if you are.. I think the exact words were, "If DaCia says no then don't even ask me to convince her because four kids alone... you must be out or your damn mind." And, as for Dawn, her nanny already practically lives in so it wouldn't be much different. Liam and Louis would just ask that anyone that could check in would." Zayn answered as he scratched his head.

"Oh hell no! Zayn Malik you must be stupid and so much all of the boys if y'all think y'all are going to leave Dawn with a damn nanny so that y'all can tour right as she is entering a new school when people already have shit to say about her being adopted and having two dads WITHOUT the paparazzi and all being involved every minute of everyday. I don't know who should be smacked first, you for coming at me with this bull or Liam and Louis for thinking that it is okay to do that to her when she is already at a vulnerable age. Oh, y'all really are trifflin' now." I yelled at him beyond pissed off. I couldn't even say anything else before storming out.

Were they really so desperate to get away from us that they were okay doing this? I picked up my cell ready to say something to Sara and Kendra, about them being okay with this when I knew I finally needed to question myself and why I was truly upset.

"Was I really mad about the thought of them touring or was it the fact that things would once again be out of my control? I had been so hopeful when Zayn said we should have another baby that I had stopped birth control and all and now those plans that I was looking forward to were crashing to the ground right in front of my eyes. Then there was Dawn.. my sweet little niece who had recently started questioning a lot of things about her biological parents because of the comments she had heard at school and for them to leave now, would she be okay? I couldn't let them do that to her."

"Babe..I can tell them no." Zayn said walking out of the backdoor and standing behind me looking out at the crashing waves.

"Don't.. Just, just we all need to talk. I know you have some answers but Zee you can't answer all of the questions and my questions concern all of us. I'm not just thinking about me or you or just our kids but all of the kids and how it will affect all of us. I want you to continue living your dream more than anything because you deserve it. You deserve everything and you don't know how bad I feel that you had to stop before, I'm just worried so I want to talk. Invite everyone over for dinner tonight and I'll make spaghetti and we can all talk.The kids will love hanging out and hopefully we will figure everything else out. " I tell Zayn to be completely honest because it isn't his fault that I am not reacting properly not when he's done everything for us. 

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