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valerie’s p.o.v.

i open my eyes and jasper is on the ground with a stricken face as i remove my hands from my ears. my mother has a phone in her hand and suddenly i feel a sharp pain in my side. i touch it and my hand feels sticky and warm. i look at my hand and it’s covered in red.


i make a gasp when i see my hand covered in blood and i feel faint and my mother starts to sob and wheels herself to me as jasper stands up to run to my side.

gregory ran when the gunshot went off and right before the sirens. i guess he shot me. i’m shot. i look up at jasper with blurry eyes and i feel weak suddenly.

“jasper,” i gasp out and he grabs my head, making it lay on his lap.

“hang in there, val. hang in there. don’t you fucking dare close your eyes!”


jasper hushes me.

“think of the stars,” you say, your voice cracking and tears making their way in your eyes. i’m focused on your jade eyes and they’re sparkling. they’re full of light and tears.

“i am,” i hoarsely say. “i am.”

everything feels cold and i’m so, so tired. everything starts beginning to feel numb. my ears are starting to ring as i’m trying to decipher the voices around me, as they’re turning unclear.

“mom?” i whisper out, choking on something. i bring a frail hand up to my lips and it’s blood. i’m choking up blood and my hand falls down to my side. jasper grabs my hand but i don’t feel it. i don’t feel his thumb stroking my palm or his other hand pressing down on my wound. i feel like crying, but i’m unable to physically do so.

“they’re coming, the-the sirens, they’re—“

the sirens are getting louder and closer and i look at this beautiful boy who’s holding me and the edges are getting white and blurry and i go to close my eyes.

“valerie!” a sudden slap of my cheek and i peak my eyes open again. i see jade and i see black and it’s foggy. why is everything foggy?

“valerie…” my mother sobs.

i zone out and stare at the ceiling and time passes by before i’m suddenly lifted onto something and a mask gets put on my face.

and i close my eyes.

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