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i decided to wait ‘til next year to enroll back into college. they understood with everything that’s happening and even though my mother didn’t necessarily agree, she knew in her heart that it was on the verge of okay.

i texted jay earlier and told her all about it, seeing as i haven’t texted her in weeks. i apologized for that as she told me to keep her updated and she’ll try to come down as soon as she can and when she gets time. i told her okay and that was that.

it’s been nearly a week since jasper has been stabbed by whoever. he isn’t talking. he won’t look at anybody. he won’t eat. he’s silent and it hurts to even look at him.

when we got to the waiting room that night, it was all a blur. they had many complications during the surgery and it scared all of us to death, but jasper managed and he came back fine. some random passerby found him in an alleyway and god knows what jasper was doing there.

the person called 9-1-1 and here he is. they had to give him a blood transfusion seeing as he lost lots of blood from the random attack. i didn’t understand why someone would unintentionally stab jasper.

but the investigators think it has to do something with the disappearance when he went missing for over a year. it could be, i thought to myself.

“he’s asleep right now,” his mother says quietly to us from outside the waiting room. she almost looks like she did when he went missing. his father looks stressed out as he talks over it with officials.

“can i go see him?” i ask her. she smiles at me and nods. i thank her and give her a quick hug, in which she whispers in my ear that i’m good for him and he’s lucky to have someone like me in his life. i almost started crying at how déjà vu this all felt.

so here i go, walking to your room. and you’re fast asleep. your cheekbones look sunken in and you look so weak and frail and nobody would let me see you the first week you were admitted here for “reasons” they couldn’t tell me.

i sit down next to you on the bed and beads of sweat mask your forehead and i take your cold hand in mine. “life sucks, jasper,” i whisper to him, even though he can’t hear me. “but you make life worth living.”

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