"Let's go do something you guys~!" She exclaimed, catching the attention of everyone around us.

"Chunhei, lower your voice a little," I chuckled.

"Why? I don't care who stares at me. Besides, it's such a nice day! It's Friday after all, we should all go out. Also, I'm friggin' starving!" She giggled, suddenly linking her arm with Namjoon's. He seemed a bit startled, but rolled his eyes and let her drag him to the door. Hoseok finally caught up to her, panting hard and leaning against the door frame.

Chunhei looked back at Jimin and I and said, "You guys coming or what?"

I looked to Jimin, feeling a little unsure. For some reason, he's been acting weird around me all week.

But surprisingly, he turned to me with a toothy grin. "Let's go," He said.

I couldn't help the massive smile that came to my lips as I agreed. "Sure!"

With that, the five of us left school, setting out to do whatever it was that Chunhei had planned.

❘ ❙ ❚

We sat in a quaint cafe, sipping coffee and eating small sugar cookies. I had really missed my friends over break. I wanted to stay in Busan with them for the vacation time, but I couldn't just ditch my aunt. Even if she was emotionally insensitive, she pays for my meals and living expenses.

And even then, after the accident, she was the only one to take me in. Well, by "take me in," I mean she rented an apartment for me. Although I was living alone, I still greatly appreciated it. After all, no one else was willing to take in a teenager who was going to graduate in two years anyway.

I wondered what my parents would think of my current living state.

I've been thinking about them more than anything lately. Although the reality of everything has already taken its tole on me, I've already gone through the phase of heartache and grief. I still feel this intense longing, though, like there was suddenly a piece of my heart that was taken from me.

"Haeun-a! Earth to Haeun-a!"

I snapped my head to the right, all of my friends' eyes directly on me. Chunhei's voice had called out to me, I must've been stuck in my head.

"Are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah, it feels like you've only been deep in thought lately. Like your head's in the clouds." Hoseok chimed from in front of me.

Jimin, beside me, leaned forward a bit with his chin resting in his hand. His eyes were clouded over, but I couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling. It could've been concern, or maybe curiosity, but there was no way of knowing.

"I, uh, yeah," I stammered, "I'm okay. I don't know. It's just been—"

From the corner of my eye, walking on the sidewalk outside, was a man with grey hair.

Not just any grey hair.

The stranger's grey hair.

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