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"Tris, go get on the plane. I'll be there in a few," Van tells me. The sun had set about four hours ago. The only people out were me, Van, Alex, and Bondy.

I look up at Van. I didn't really want to go back on the plane yet. I wasn't tired. "Go on," Van urges me. "Time to get some sleep."

"But..." I start, but Van raises his eyebrows at me, making me stop.

"Tris, don't start," he says. His voice was stern. "We're all headin back in just a few. We'll be right behind you."

I frown. "Okay," I give in. I couldn't help but be a little annoyed. I mean, I understand he wants to keep me safe, or whatever, but I feel like he has too much control over me.

"Thank you," I hear him sigh, probably thankful that I didn't put up a fight. He wouldn't want to yell at me in front of Bondy or Alex, I could tell. 

I walk back to the plane and sit down in my bed with my legs held tightly to my chest. I started thinking of Annabelle again. These thoughts seemed to always happen at night. I grab her flannel and hold it close to my nose. Her smell still faintly lingered and provided me some comfort.

"Hay," a voice whispered. I look up, expecting to see Van, but I see Sam instead.

"Oh... hey," I say, pulling the flannel away from my face and sitting up.

"Can I sit?" He asks me.

I nod my head and he sits across from me. "How's your leg doin?" He asks me.

"It's good. Feeling a lot better now," I say to him. I feel bad lying about my leg bothering me earlier. He is always so nice to me. I hope he doesn't start to think I'm trying to ignore him.

"Good, good," he says, giving me a smile. "Funny how injures can just start hurting randomly like that, isn't it?"

I nod my head and give him a smile. "Yeah, it is. It's almost healed, though. Starting to look normal again, kind of," I say.

"It's about time," Sam jokes. "You gotta show me your soccer skills once your leg is back to normal."

"I don't know if I have any soccer skills," I laugh. I hear Van, Bondy, and Alex walk onto the plane. They weren't talking, but I could hear their footsteps.

"Well, then I'll have to teach you," he says. "And I'll let you get some rest." He stands up. Before walking away he adds, "if you ever need anything, I'm always here."

"Thanks, Sam. And same goes for you," I say. He smiles and walks away. I watch him as he heads to the back of the plane where he slept. He was so sweet.

I hear Van clear his throat behind me. "Tris?" He asks as he walks over, kneeling down next to me. "Did I say you could talk to Sam when you got on the plane?" He smirks at me.

"He... he just came to say goodnight," I try to defend myself.

"You're avoiding the question, darlin," he says. He cocks his head to the side and waits for me to answer.

"Why can't I talk to him?" I ask, trying to hide the frustration in my voice, but failing. "It's not fair. He's a nice person. Unlike you," I pout.

"Tris, I don't know where this attitude came from, but I don't like it," Van says in a condescending voice.

I think about ending this argument right now and apologizing to Van. That's what I should have done, but I don't do that. "Of course you don't," I cross my arms.

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