Chapter [2]

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"Hello nationwide America! It's a beautiful day today being at 1-" I groaned and slapped my hand on my alarm clock stopping the annoying voice.

Urgh! Why is my alarm going off at such an ungodly hour*howards wolowitz mothers voice*.

"Right school." I murmured to myself and forced myself out of bed groaning.

I walked into my bathroom and hopped in the shower. After 10 minutes I started getting ready.

I sprayed sea salt in my hair so it will go wavy. I put on abit of foundation, concealer, blush, eyeliner and mascara on then started picking my outfit out.

I picked or a pair of blue short shorts, a black muscle top with that thingy symbol which looks like it's melting, a black and white checked flannel and a green parker jacket.

With this put on black platform shoes and a black beanie. I grabbed my black and red checked backpack and made my way downstairs.

I filled up my bottle water and grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard. I walked outside and locked the door before starting towards my evo 9.

I drove towards the school and parked where I usually do. I got out and started towards the main building.

As I neared my locker I overheard my old best friends talking about me. I rolled my eyes and stared straight ahead.

Ain't nobody got time for sluts anyway.

I opened my locker and realized I have English literature first. Great. I got out my book and earphones before starting towards my class.

"Hey Alexis!" someone called from behind me. I turned around and realized it was Josie. Josie aka; my ex bestfriend.

"Yes?" I asked raising my eyebrow no emotion on my face what's so ever.

"We were wondering if you wanted to sit next to us today!" she said faking a smile while pointing to Linda, Leah and Amy who were giving me sarcastic smiles.

"Sure!" I said faking being cheerful. She looked shocked and so did the others.

"Really?" Linda exclaimed standing straight from leaning against her locker.

"No." I deadpanned walking away leaving them in shock while I smirked.

"You'll always be a loser!" Amy shrieked desperately making me laugh.

"Thankyou hunny." I shouted over my shoulder as I entered English.

Outfit on the side=====

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