Harry Potter x Reader: Part of the Team

Start from the beginning

"What? You're Harry Potter! That's so cool! I've heard a lot about you. Then again, I suppose everyone has and you're probably tired of hearing about it." You laughed and Harry smiled. "You have really pretty green eyes." You said to him. 

He blushed, "Thank you." 

You laughed again, "Are you shy? You seem shy." 

"Let's see." Hermione said and took the seat beside the red head and across from Harry. "Oculus repairo." And his glasses mended themselves. 

"Woah! Hermione that's amazing! When did you even have the time to learn that?" You asked her. 

Hermione smiled, "I studied up as soon as I got my books from Flourish and Blotts. Anyways, you two better start getting into your robes. We're going to be arriving soon." She said and got up to head out. 

You followed after her. "It was nice to meet you guys!" 
2nd year

You were paired with Parvati at the dueling club. She wouldn't stop talking about Gilderoy Lockheart. You, however found it odd to have a crush on a professor. You hadn't even read any of his books. "But Y/n he's done the most amazing things! And he's won Witch Weekly's best smile 8 times!" She sighed. 

"I don't read Witch Weekly." You said as Parvati threw a spell at you and you blocked it. 

Everyone was turned to watch Lockheart and Snape give a demonstration. Snape easily blocked Lockheart's curse then he came at him with a disarming spell which Lockheart was knocked off his feet by. "He doesn't seem very smart to me." You whispered to Parvati with a laugh. Parvati glared at you. Lockheart chose Harry and Ron to duel each other, however Snap thought it would be better apparently, for Draco to verse Harry. 

Everyone watched and crowded around the table to watch. Harry and Draco pulled out their wands. Draco was the first to fire. The duel went on until Draco cast a snake spell. Harry stared at it and his eyes got weird. He started speaking a different language. At first you didn't recognize it, but then you realized the horrified looks on your fellow classmates faces. Parseltongue. Harry spoke parseltongue. 

In the Gryffindor common room later that night you waited for Harry, Ron and Hermione to enter. Ron was berrading Harry with questions and Hermione seemed worried. "Harry!" You called, an upperclassmen in the corner hushed you. "Sorry." you whispered. Harry, Ron and Hermione walked over to you. "Harry, were you telling the snake not to attack Justin?" You asked. 

Harry gestured to you, turning to Ron and Hermione. "See! Someone knew what I was doing." 

"Well Justin doesn't. Plus, everyone else at the school thinks you're Slytherin's heir now." Hermione said. 

Harry sighed and plopped on the couch. "But I'm not. How could I be Slytherin's heir if I'm in Gryffindor?" Harry asked, still he seemed doubtful. 

You sat beside him, "Exactly! So no need to be even a little worried. You're not. We all know that." You reassured him and he gave you a grateful look. 

You hadn't spent much time at all with the trio last year and they'd ended up fighting he who must not be named. You shared a dorm room with Hermione, Parvati and a girl named Lavender Brown. This year, Ron's little sister Ginny had also taken the extra bed in there. 

"Nonetheless. People will be suspicious." Hermione said, marching to the room. 

You found out about Ginny when you had went up to Moaning Myrtle's to find the trio. You had heard they had been spending quite a bit of time up there by overhearing a few conversations. But when you entered, Ginny was throwing a book down the toilet, tears streaming down her face. "I won't be fooled by you anymore Riddle!" She cried and then she turned around, coming face to face with you. Her eyes widened and she ran out, pushing past you. 

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