Neville Longbottom x Reader: Bad Girl part 2

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The DA was reluctant to let you in, but somehow Neville had convinced Potter to let you come in to their secret hiding spot as long as you were blindfolded. You were skeptical, after all you barely knew Neville; to let him lead you up several flights of stairs to the secret hide out of DA was a stretch. However your curiosity got the best of you and you let him lead you up.

He kept hold of your upper arm gently, his hand was warm and rough with cuts he got from gardening most likely. When you finally got into the room, Neville released your arm and took off your blindfold. You blinked to adjust to the well lit room filled with Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Gryffindors but no other Slytherins seemed to be in sight. You took in the sheer amount of them, almost half of the school was here. You hadn't noticed because you had been so focused on keeping away from your brother and the "inquisitorial squad" that you didnt even realize the half of the school hadn't been present for several weeks.

After doing your calculations was when you realized over 30 pairs of eyes staring at you. The first to speak up was Anthony Goldstein,a Ravenclaw prefect with a very defined sense of right and wrong. "What is she doing here?" He asked which began an uproar in the silence.

A squeaky Hufflepuff your age walked up to Neville and tentatively but loud enough for you to hear told Neville, "You know she's Malfoy's sister right? She could run back to the inquisitorial squad and tattle on us."

"I have no loyalty to the inquisitorial squad I can ensure you." You tried.

Hannah looked at you doubtfully.

"Hannah you have Defense Against The Dark Arts with her don't you?" Neville asked.

Hannah hesitated, "Yes."

"Well would Professor Umbridge really get her in trouble all the time if she was one of her pets?" Neville asked.

"Still..." Hannah trailed off and over the arguing houses a female voice spoke up from an amplified voice charm.

"Everyone quiet down. Harry has something to say." It was a muggle born witch by the name of Hermione Granger. Draco talked about her quite a bit, though not as much as Potter.

Everyone went silent immediately which made you wonder the kind of power Potter held here.

"I told Neville he could bring Y/n here." Harry said and people started talking loudly again. "Listen listen." Harry said, his voice drowning in the sea of arguments bursting up in waves from the crowd.

"Hey!" Ronald Weasley bellowed.

"She came blindfolded so she doesn't know where the entrance is or how to get in. But we should look past her house and her family and give her a chance." Harry said.

"And why should we do that? How do we know she's not taking all this information back to Malfoy and the others?" Justin Finch-Fletchy called out, that Hufflepuff really loved jumping to conclusions.

Harry flinched and looked like he didn't know what to say to that.

You didn't expect so many bad reactions, your sore hands twitched and you bit your lip helplessly, "Maybe this was a bad idea maybe I should go back..." you said to Neville.

"No, wait a minute!" He yelled at the crowd. "She doesn't deserve to be treated like this."

You couldn't believe your ears, was the awkward, shy boy from your potions class standing up for you?

"She's stood up for others, and she's suffered under Umbridge probably more than any of you accusing her ever have. She has battle scars from Umbridge all over her hands to prove it. And I know she'll keep rebelling even if you don't let her in. But I also know that if you don't, then I don't like what DA stands for. From where she is right now, DA is just a prejudiced debate group. And I dont wanna be a part of that."

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