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*POV: Oaklyn*

I woke up the next morning, now just remembering what had happened last night at the party. I shook it off and went downstairs to get some food. I saw my parents sitting at the table like nothing had happened last night when something had to of happened. I decided not to ask them anything about last night. I made my way into the kitchen with a smile.

"Good morning." I said as I went to the pantry to grab some cereal.

"Morning sweetie." My mother said, looking up at me then back at her phone. My father just gave me a fake smile then went back to reading his book. I took my cereal upstairs to get ready for school.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower. After I got out, I decided to leave my hair down. I went to my closet and scanned my clothes for a few minutes, flipping through seeing what I felt like wearing.(see outfit above)I ended up pulling a black cropped tank top, some black jean shorts, a dark green flannel hoodie, some black vans, and a black beanie. I got changed and grabbed my bag, putting my earbuds in my ears and making my way to school.

*Time Skip*

I made my way into school, looking around for my friends. I spotted them all talking in a circle I waved to Alex as I walked towards them. He waved back and everyone turned to see me.

"What's up guys?" I said.

" I was just about to ask Alex what's happening with the video data." Chase said. I was still a little upset from the night before but I stayed calm like nothing was wrong so that we could get this all over with.

"I'm still working on it." He said, pushing up his glasses. "Its harder to unlock than I thought, and now my parents are on my ass."

"Yeah, mine too." Gert said as she looked to the ground.

"Do you think they know?" I said, looking up in concern.

As soon as Alex staring talking, Molly dropped a model of a double helix. I squatted down and started to help pick everything up.

"Its okay. We can put it back together." Nico said as her, Molly and I started to pick it up.

"Who cares? Who cares about a double helix!" Molly yelled in frustration.

"Molly, is everything okay?" Gert said as we all turned towards Molly.

Molly stood there silently for a few moments, looking at her broken project until she spoke. "I screwed up you guys. I got something to tell you."

We all stared at Molly and each other, all hoping it wasn't what we think it is..

We went to a part of the outside are of the school that had a curb. We all sat on the curb while I sat on the grass in front of Gert and Chase, facing my attention towards Molly. Once we all sat down, Molly told us everything.

"Are you kidding?" Gert said towards Molly.

"I know, I panicked. Your mom is very intimidating." She said holding the broken pieces of the double helix.

"Well, she has the conviction rate to prove it." Alex said, staring off in front of him. "Now you're telling me she's been suspicious of you from the beginning?"

"Not to mention you're responsible for the only one working bathroom at Timely Coffee." Chase added

"If they know you saw the robes, they know you got down the staircase." Nico said.

"Unless they wear their robes other places, like the gym, or Whole Foods." I said trying to lighten things up, now changing my position into laying my head on my backpack.

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