"Why? I thought you said I was going to be sued?"

"You aren't. These aren't mug shots. They're head shots."

"Why do you need them then? What will you do with it?"

"You're one of the top three finalists for the lead."


"Yes, Ms. Hunt. The female lead for the upcoming movie, Rushed."

"What? What movie? What are you talking about?" I was beyond confused.

"The movie that will start production next month."

"And what do you mean, I'm in the top three?"

"Exactly that Ms. Hunt. The entire staff enjoyed your audition and found it refreshing."

"What audition?"

"Two days ago, you came in and auditioned. The director enjoyed the staged drama between you and Mr. Mangy. They found it realistic."

Oh shit! "That's because it was realistic. I was not acting."

"What do you mean?"

So I ended up relaying a short version of my pathetic story.

"Oh darling, I'm sorry."

"So you see Ms Florence, this is all just a misunderstanding. I was not acting. I was really pissed."

"Well, darling, well done on breaking up with that little squirt. Good on you."

"Thanks," I smiled at her words.

"Now back to business. You see honey. No matter the nature of your audition. It was still a marvelous one and showcased your talents perfectly. I think you'll be a perfect fit for the lead role. You and Ashleigh Bishop are alike in more ways than one. She also saw her lover cheating on her, embarrassed him publicly and managed to find out that she can find love again, even in the unlikeliest of people."

"Yes but..."

"Think about it, before you say no okay?"

"Uhmmm..." I pondered over it.

"It'll be a great experience. I guarantee that. And ... even if you don't make it you'll still be getting a letter of recommendation for your skills and a good compensation for your time."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll get a fee for coming in until the final decision is made."

"How much?"

She laughed before telling me the number.

"Really!" I shrieked, shocked at the number.

"Yes, I know. So, think about it and let me know, okay?"

I agreed.

"Oh and I'm not supposed to be telling anyone this love, but a certain hottie has already agreed to be the lead and he can help get your mind of your ex."

"Who?" Curiosity hit me.

"I'll let you know when you finally agree."

I laughed at her bribery.

"When are the head shots scheduled?"

"The day after next."

"Okay. I'll call you on this number?"


I hung up, confused and full of questions on what to do. Go home and waste summer, or stay here, get a great job, good pay, good recommendation and hunt down a jerk for phone compensation.

My head almost made up, I glanced towards the VIP lounge wondering what it was like going there. Will I be able, ever be able to enter that place?

As if my envy was calling it, the door to the lounge opened and out walked a guy in shades, a black leather jacket that screamed money and bad ass and a pair of diesel jeans.

My breath caught as I recognized him.

Pigs can fly. 

Because there, right there, walking out of the VIP lounge was Sir Jerks-A-Lot himself and I was ready to get compensation for my deceased phone.

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website : http://ehlkayy.weebly.com

twitter: http://twitter.com/EhlKayy1D

email : lqkaloucava@gmail.com

Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ