One day... At lunch

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So, one day at lunch, we weren't aloud to have our phones out. So, being the bitch I am, I popped my earbuds in like a boss. Then, the teacher looks over at me, and the following occurs:

Teacher: Lorina, how would you like to go sit in the office?

Me: *has innocent look on face* why?

Teacher: I thought I said no phones?

Me: just because I have my earbuds in, doesn't mean I'm on my phone. *pulls cord out of pocket showing its not attached to my phone which is in the other pocket*

Teacher: then why do you have your earbuds in?

Me: *freezes for a second* I'm listening to my head.

Teacher: *slightly smirks then is replaced by a frown but doesn't say anything else*

Room full of 8th graders: *roflol*

Me: *has look of accomplishment on face*

I had been planning that. Once she said no phones, I looked over at my friend and said "I wonder how long it'll take her to notice..."

I had put my earbuds in right after I said that, then not even 5 minutes later, that happened. It's was so funny seeing the look on her face.

And that pic? IT'S BENNY BOO!!! I drew that. I started drawing that pic of BEN that was to fucking cute, then I drew another one and that's the outcome. :3 who wants it? I'm thinking of sending it to the first person to comment on this little note thingy and then message me (on Facebook) that they want it. It may take a while, for I have no wifi. So hold on.


My Facebook is Lorina Henderson and the profile pic is the same as my Wattpad pic. 🐼

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