new home? no its temporary

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Spider-Man pov

I woke up to not my usual space. The first thing I noticed was the texture was drastically different. The floor I was resting on were hard. Not like the box hard but still relatively hard.

The next thing I noticed was the smell. It smelled.. well it didn't smell great. It had a strangely musky scent to it and it made my nose crinkle a bit. Maybe it was my enhanced smelling ability now that I had..well cat like features, but the smell of the place also smelled a bit sour. Not sour like the sour patch kids no. It smelled like rotted and spoiled milk that someone had left out of their fridge for at least a couple weeks and then emptied it into a trashcan and dumped the contents of it all over their floor. This wasn't the worst smell but it definitely wasn't the best either. However despite this it still felt like a very open and cozy looking home.

The very last thing I noticed was the person that walked into the room after I had gotten mildly adjusted to my surroundings.

The pestering anti villain I had seen in the box not too long ago looked back at me as I stared. I let out a hiss at him and then sat myself down on the dirty floor of Deadpool's presumed living room.

"Hi there spidey-" he had said in the softest voice I had ever heard him use towards me.

I looked back at him tilting my head confused.

"So I've been.." Deadpool looked to be taking a moment to think about what he was saying (for once) at least I had hoped that's what he was doing. He was most likely thinking about something completely different to the current situation unfolding right in front of him.

"I've been um.. assigned to be your caretaker for however long you're like" he gestured to the entirety of my new cat body. "This." He finished trying to not to sound rude about explaining the situation.

It didn't work. I still got upset. My posture noticeably decreased and I tensed up as he was explaining everything to me.

I tried to speak or at least let out how I'd been feeling since all of this happened. The only that came out where quiet meows.

Apparently they had seemed very sentimental to the mercenary above me and he at some kneeled himself down next to me.

"Hey," he said in the soft voice he had used earlier when greeting me.

"It's going to be okay alright? I know I don't look or seem very responsible but I promise I'm going to take good care of you." He put his arm out and rested it on my fuzzy shoulder.

"I am shut up." Deadpool said seemingly to no one in particular as he very slowly and very carefully put his other arm out and held me in his arms.

Despite not initially enjoying the experience I began to feel relaxed in the Merc's arms. This was the first human contact I had gotten in who knows how long? I'd been in the box for what felt like years. I felt my tensed body loosen up as I made a sound I never thought I would under Deadpool's grasp.

I purred.

I felt the anti hero petting me gently as he was holding me. It was an interesting sensation but I didn't think much about it as it was happening. I had been focusing more on how relaxed I had become and what if felt like to have my now fur covered body rubbed.

I felt and heard Velcro being removed from behind me and it didn't take me long to figure out what the katana wielder was doing. However despite this I admittedly did not make very much of an effort to stop him.

He removed my suit and took it off to pet under it.

I felt a lot better after it was removed because it  felt a lot more like I was being massaged with nothing to block the experience.

The tension I had been feeling earlier had almost completely melted away as I was lying in his arms and still very clearly purring on him. Admittedly one of my most embarrassing moments-

Don't worry spidey there's more to come- yeah I meant what I said. Anyways let's pov switch

His hands rubbing and moving my fur back was one of the most satisfying thing I may have ever felt.

That's flattering thank you but give me my pov-

I leaned into his embrace and somehow managed to purr louder than previously and snuggle up to him as he had loosened his grip on me.

I feel ignored

If cats could smile (which I was unsure if they could) I most surly would be. I very much enjoyed it and I continued to enjoy it was the merc pet me more.

Deadpool pov
Oh now I'm getting a pov? I'm just being ignored by the author now huh? Sorry readers the author is being a b*tch

As I held the little spider cat I began to-

sorry I don't mean that author please don't take away my pov rights I need these..

Pet him lightly.

Okay bye readers you're welcome for spicing up the chapter

I hadn't meant to pet him very much but the moment I started to pet the cat he immediately began to loosen himself up. Before long I had realized he was purring.

I was massaging his fluffy back as I held him in my other arm and he was really enjoying it. It was the most relaxed I had ever seen him by far and I was happy with myself for somehow being the cause of it.

His fur was the softest I had ever felt after I had removed his little suit shortly after I had began to pet him.

I smiled as I continued to pet him and loosened my grip on the kitten in question.

To my surprise he moved closer to me and snuggled up to me, my heart was going to explode from the level of adorableness I had been getting. 

Me too this is the cutest thing-


At the same time I had felt soft about him warming up to me I had also felt amused because of the fact that there was some part of me that didn't think Spider-Man would ever take a liking to me. Stupid of me to ever think because I'm f*cking amazing and why would anyone hate me?

After a while of Spider-Cat and I snuggling together I lifted him up in my arms and moved him to where he was supposedly supposed to be sleeping. (I secretly really hoped he chose to sleep with me alternatively however.)

Spidey had fallen asleep and as I was also tired I lay him down on the cat bed I had been given to from the guide and then after lay myself down on my own bed. I happily fell asleep to the sound of spider-cat quietly snoring.

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