the cat life

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Spider-Man pov

You little b*tch I can't believe you did that- you know your readers had to wait an entire week for this? But you still listened to me so I guess I'm not entirely being ignored. I'll let you have this one author >:(

After a lot of moping around the box looking absolutely miserable my stomach started to growl. I looked around the room only being able to see parts of it because the glass wasn't 100% clean. (Don't blame the workers because I was the one who was pawing at it and making it dirty with my cat paws)

I saw someone walking close to my area that  appeared to be holding something. It looked to be bowl shaped. I glanced up at the lady holding the object and tilted my head as I released a quiet "meow" the woman seemed to be pleased by my response to her being there and gave a muffled "awww" as a reply back.

She dropped the bowl down and left- or I assumed she did but soon after she was back with another one. At the moment I wasn't really focusing on what was in the bowl and more of the person carrying them. They could let me out. My thoughts were scrambled from a lot of things.

I needed to get out. However the more I thought about it the more I realized it was becoming increasingly difficult to focus because of the food I hadn't been able to eat for at this point who knows how long. Also the fact that since I was now a cat. (As we have established) I probably had a very different diet than what I had previously been eating.

I decided not to attempt to leave the box prison and look at what the woman had left in it. She had placed two bowls, one red and one a pale pink. The pink bowl contained water. A lot of of water that I instantly stuck my face into and began drinking rapidly. I was severely dehydrated and I had gotten to the point where I didn't even know the amount of pain I was in from not drinking any water.

I had also forgotten that I needed to drink water to survive. But I got some water so no worries about dying yet. The headache I had had for a couple of days was starting to feel much better thanks to the water.

Everything was going great until I came to the conclusion that there was the whole 'needing food to survive' thing. The thought itself nearly slipped my mind because of the insane past couple of days I'd been having.

That is until I checked the next bowl.

The next bowl at first didn't really look like anything. It just just looked like a bowl of weirdly shaped brown pellets. I tilted my head as I looked and then and then gave them a sniff. They smelled... bland, however I felt like they could possibly be edible. So with as much strength as I could muster I attempted to try and eat the pellets. They reeked of a very prominent flavor. Cat food.

I was disgusted in the fact that I had just consumed animal food. I stuck my tongue out and gagged at the bowl. After taking a moment to think about my situation, and the fact that I was in fact a cat, it did make sense to be given cat food. Technically it was healthier.

I did have a new digestive system so I guess cat food would help me adjust to it. Doesn't mean that I have to like it however.

Despite despising the smell and flavor of the hardly edible food I dove in and ate more of it. I had to eat something and if this as the only thing I'd be provided then so be it.

Adjusting to my cat mouth was difficult when eating the food. I kept forgetting how pointy my teeth were and biting areas of my mouth. I also wasn't used to the sound food made as I was chomping it down and swallowing. It was overall a very weird experience.

After I had finished I moved to the opposite area of my box prison and laid down. Soon after I decided to take a nap, and when I awoke the two bowls had disappeared.

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