still before

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Spider-Man pov

When I looked down at my shiny red suit. I soon realized I was regaining a few of my senses. I could barely see but I was steadily  making progress. Trying to focus on my arm was like my first eye exam before glasses all over again. I thought I was done with poor eyesight after that sneaky spider decided to gift me with the power of heightened senses-

And semen wrists- oh hi! You didn't see me there, I'm just waiting for when I come in and make this story interesting (I said what I meant) because clearly it's starting to get bland without me... sheesh!

What I saw next amazed me and made me struggle to see again as I had thought I was going delusional. I saw poking out of my suit heaps of fur.

I was so taken aback by what I had seen and how it felt on my body that I had stopped paying attention to the laser's effect on me and I didn't even realize the pain had minimized massively.

I was rapidly reducing in size and it appeared that I had gained more of an audience than before because of my little zap to the head and areas surrounding it.

Before I realized and before my vision had fully recovered I noticed I had gained a whole crowd during all of this. Seeing this, despite the situation I felt I should attempt to wave in their direction. I pulled out my arm and tried to lift it up. It didn't move any farther.

I was beginning to panic as I tried harder to lift it up. I felt the sweat under my mask increase as it was starting to feel soggy along with the rest of my body.

I looked to the crowd of people for sympathy- or really any sort of emotion or visible reaction to what was happening. There was nothing. The crowd stood there emotionless. The only reaction was someone pulling out their phone to snap a photo and another person laughing silently for a couple of seconds.

I felt like I had failed them. The crowd acted like I hadn't just taken a hit from laser and I wasn't lying on the gravel floor a couple of minutes ago. And to be completely honest I can't really blame them for their reaction at that moment. This was typical hero stuff so they know I'd be fine. At least I hope that's what they were thinking. That was at least my mindset for their reactions at the time.

I continued to think and attempt to make my hand wave before I realized I was slowly transforming into something completely different than previously.

What I hadn't realized was that the crowd of people were more focusing on my transformation that the initial laser hit. A lot of spider like features in my body were slowly changing. The tuft of fur I had spotted outside of my suit earlier was quickly spreading around me. Around my body.

I was left there slowly growing more fur and decreasing in size. I thought to myself a lot of things. Why was I specifically chosen to be hit with the laser? Why did the crowd earlier not react to me clearly being in a lot of pain? And why did of all things this villain pick to hit me with something that gave me fur? Like seriously. Fur? What are you planning Distructinator...

I felt I was loosing myself once again and I lied down on the floor and grabbed my knees as I screamed in pain. The fur shot out of my skin and the feeling was horrible. It felt like a porcupine had gotten inside of my body and was slowly expanding itself outwards like a puffer fish, and by doing so releasing hundreds of quills that poked out of my insides and onto my skin.

My teeth were also starting to misshapen as it felt like I was being given braces but they had somehow managed to speed up the process and the dentist was literally forcing my teeth into the specific shape they wanted. Which was pointy and very very sharp. Some of my teeth had become so sharp in fact that I had accidentally made my tongue bleed from biting down too hard.

I started to wonder what what could possibly be happening to my body and what I was going to do if I could do anything at all.

However as I was thinking about what to do my thoughts were interrupted by a mysterious shadow that- for a moment took over all my thoughts. That is until I saw who that shadow was..

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