taking him home

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Deadpool pov
Deadpool  here interrupting a Deadpool pov to apologize for the way the boxes acted in the previous chapter. They destroyed the plot more than I would have and that's saying something- granted they are me.. anyways thanks for reading an apology from Deadpool about Deadpool, please continue on to read a Deadpool pov.

"Ehhemn" I heard someone say from behind me after I had regained my ability to understand what the f*ck was going on around me. The boxes kept me occupied for a long time and I was surprised I wasn't in a completely different room because that did tend to happen when I zoned out for as long as I had.

The man cleared his throat again and looked at me frustrated. "Yeeeeees" I said giving him my best 'you have my full attention' expression.

"Listen I was told not to talk to you about your uh... situation with yourself and everything revolving around that but-"

I cut him off "but what sarge?" I said sounding a bit upset. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" I said quickly after my first remark, this time I sounded a lot more irritated. Because I was.

"No." He said bluntly. "I'm calling you out on it because you haven't been paying attention to the instructions I've been trying to give you for the past 10 minutes."

I looked at him starting to understand. "Ohhh that's why- okay." I said to him as the pieces were connecting in my head. "My apologies I'm used to people calling me out on what I had said." I said to him.

"None taken." He replied back with a very bored and worn down expression. He looked like he was done with the nonsense already and I thought it'd be best if I cooperated more with what he was saying.

Key words is "I thought"

Yeah no kidding

"He needs to be fed two to three times a day and he also need a lot of exercise and places he can rest..." he had said more but my brain was beginning to tune him out as I thought about what I would do when I brought him home.

"Higher places... costume needs.... washed.... soap and......." I nodded my head trying my best to look like I was paying attention to him.

I continued to nod to the point where I felt like I had sprang my neck or gotten a mild case of whiplash(it was hard to tell) until finally he finished talking.

He handed me a paper with a long list of things I assumed were for the cat I was to be caring for.

"This is the written summarized version of what I just told you about." He said to me eagerly. (Probably excited that I'd be out of his hair very soon)

"I doubted you'd listen to most of what I was against so obviously I took the liberty of writing it on paper to make it easier. That is if you can read."

"I would take offense if you weren't completely right about the first thing you mentioned, sorry sarge!"

"Don't call me- you know what I give up"

"Thats the spirit!" I said using a bit of my sarcastic charm.

"Whatever Mr.Deadpool can we just get this over with." He said to me sounding more desperate after each word.

"Since when did you start calling me 'Mr.Deadpool'" I said jokingly.

"Since I was trying to get you to leave because I feel you have overstayed your welcome here."

"Wow harsh! But true I have been here for too long, this place is getting pretty boring I just want this scene to be over already."

"I'm sorry this what?"

"Never mind."

"Mr.D-" said a nearby worker that was quickly cut off by the guide who clearly didn't want his name to be revealed. Suspicious if you ask me.

The worker went a couple steps back and tried to speak again after being interrupted earlier. "Um sir when will Mr.Deadpool being taking the feline? We're ready to pack him up but we don't know how long this is going to take and we were just wondering," he said stuttering and shakily trying to explain the situation. 

"There we go again with the 'Mr.Deadpool' stuff, can't say I don't like the name title but I really want to know where that suddenly came from.

"Who cares Deadpool you'll be out of here pretty soon anyways." Says the guide as he's trying to help the employees get all of the spider's supplies together.

I walked closer to the spider cat who had went back to sleep long before my conversation with the guide. He was so adorable. His light brown fur stuck out of little suit and he looked the calmest I've ever seen him. I could just hug the little guy- and I was going to.

Soon after the materials were gathered into a backpack of sorts the clear box was opened with a key and a lot of elaborate security systems. Again this seemed extremely unnecessary to me and I was starting to wonder exactly why he needed this much security. Then again this was a top notch superhero that a lot of people could have stolen or messed with because of his current form, so I guess it made some sort of sense to keep him under high security. Just again to me it seemed like overkill.

The male employee from earlier was the one to pick up the cat and hand him to me, I held him gently and began to pet him. Soon after the cat woke up, and once again he wasn't happy to see me.

He scratched and meowed loudly trying to get away from me, jokes on him because I healed back pretty quickly and his scratches and possibly even bites didn't really have much of an effect on me.

"Oh stop being a pussy!" I said and then added after "cat."

Haha so funny I forgot to laugh

He's working with what he's got give him a break

"Very funny Mr.Deadpool now can you please make your exit?" Said my guide looking very annoyed at my cheesy comment.

I tried not to scowl at him. (not that it was visible through my thick mask) as I grabbed spidey's things a bit aggressively and made my way out.

"Wait sir-" said the worried worker  as I was about to leave.

"What." I looked at him a bit peeved.

"You might want to put Spider-Man in the carrier before you le-"

"Yeah sure whatever kid." I said cutting him off and as gently as I could placing the spider cat in his carrier. It wasn't easy.

The cat was constantly meowing and complaining until I grabbed everything and finally made it out of the building. Finally. The building itself was beginning to feel insufferable and I started to feel more and more like I didn't belong. That I had no place in being here.

Ah at least we have the cat.

At least that

"Yeah." I agreed with them out loud again nodding my head slowly. My attention wasn't solely focused on the boxes this time however, this time I was focusing on the peculiar little cat I had just picked up from the danger building.

I smiled at him and lightly hugged his carrier as I mumbled quietly, "we're going to have a lot of fun you and I," and then I chuckled lightly and headed to my house.

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