not him

494 21 13

Spider-Man pov

The person standing over me was a very tall and wide shouldered individual that currently went by the name Deadpool. I sighed with the limited amount of energy I had that was the only thing I felt I could do anymore.

"Hey there spider pal!" He said trying to sound optimistic about the situation. "Look me and your buddies are having a bit of an issue with Mr.Doomy or whatever the heck his name is over there" I attempted to roll my eyes before I realized he had said "your buddies" so quickly after instead of looking angered I just looked at him confused. He seemed to realize the situation and pointed his gloved finger up to the hero fight above us. How had I not noticed that? Captain America and Iron Man we're currently trying to defeat the villain I was just fighting minutes ago- or I assumed minutes because since I was hit time seemed to kind of not make sense to me.

I looked up then my laser pain started to kick in again and I was forcefully pulled down farther onto the ground. As this was happening I heard from the mercenary "Spidey!? Spider-Man? You alright there-" I don't remember anything else he had said because after that I had completely blacked out.

Even though I had become unconscious I felt as if I was still awake. I heard noises around me, people screaming, cars honking, a distant ambulance. I couldn't see my surroundings but I felt as though I could imagine them. I heard someone repeating my name over and over again. I felt someone grabbing my shoulder and trying to shake me. And finally the thing that caught me the most off guard while I was in this state was the fact that someone had picked me up and appeared to be carrying me around. I wanted to protest. I wanted to say I was okay. But I couldn't move my body, I couldn't talk. I was stuck in a small coma basically for what I thought at that moment an eternity.

I don't remember anything else that had happened, it almost felt as though I had died and I was waiting for death to greet me.

I thought about a lot of things during that time. Where I was. How I got there. And how I met the mercenary that had greeted me not too long ago.


It was a day like any other and-

Okay the way spidey is describing this is going to make me die before I get through all of it- and I'm immortal! I literally can't die.

So I've decided I'll be explaining this part from my perspective, no hard feelings pal.

Deadpool pov

The day I met that big shot spider started out as any other day for someone like myself. I had finished up one of jobs in a sketchy alleyway. (As per usual) The guy was pleading for me not to kill him, saying he's be good and it wouldn't happen again- yada yada complete bullsh*t if you ask me. The guy I had been assigned for had been to jail numerous times and had made so many pleas saying that he'd make a change and do something better that somehow the term "I'm sorry" meant nothing when it came out of his mouth anymore.

His talking and pleading turned into long rambles as he tries to recount his life- without all the stealing and horrible things he had done. He had cut all that out. I could tell because of the fact whenever he got close to something gruesome or remotely illegal he would stumble over his words and make up something to fill it in that hardly made any sense. "And I loved my wife, sometimes she would give me some of her cocai- coconuts she's give me some of her coconuts that she grew in the garden? Yes that's right I remember she had a coconut garden in our backyard!" He said once again stumbling on covering up the illegal actions he committed.

Hearing a lot of this guy rant and ramble on made me roll my eyes. (That wasn't visible through my mask) I didn't care if he took some illegal drugs here and there, I mean who doesn't? The drugs were fine. The things he did after he took them was what I was here for. And who he gave said drugs to.

Now lovely reader I don't want to get into details about this guy but he did some messed up sh*t with that stuff. Some of things he'd done were completely unjustifiable and frankly made me sick.

As he was explaining his experience with heroin (quit vaguely I may add) I cut him off mid sentence with a bullet to the head. I shot him. And that bastard deserved it too.

I got up and stretched my body "Geez that guy was a whiner," I said and then paused quickly after to hear responses from the boxes.

Yeah he didn't really put up a fight either

He was such a b*tch I'm glad we killed him.

Yeah white's right. He also wasn't a very involved character.

We didn't really get much of a description from the author either so yeah he must not be.

I nodded in agreement as if the boxes were standing next to me before realizing they weren't next to me and then saying a quick "yeah," in response instead.


Hey he's trying his best!

"Yeah I'm trying my best white." I sighed and looked around a bit while half paying attention to the boxes responses.

I walked out of the alley and looked around some more before spotting something a bit odd in another nearby alleyway. I saw someone that appeared to be crouching down and eating something in their hands. I couldn't see anything but their silhouette and the outline of some sort of food.

Because I had just finished my job I decided maybe it wasn't the worst idea to join the stranger and eat my lunch with them. Wasn't the first time I'd done something like that so I wasn't really concerned.

As I edged closer I could see the person more clearly. Though it was dark my eyes were quickly adjusting, when I figured out who they were I put my hands over my mask and gasped loudly. It was..

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