🙈HIDE AND SEEK chapter 5🙈

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Seokjin is still sleeping, actually he never wake up, I think my venom is too much for his body to take. I did try to mark him, but he didn't take my marking.

I curse taehyung for marking seokjin first. Because this man belong to me.

FLASHBACK after jimins death

after jimin dies. I felt broken and devastated, I kill my mate and my own baby. Because of my anger and I know it is my baby

I was crying in this small playground. I don't know why I burst my tears in these kind of place. There's so many children playing around here.

"Here Mr. Use these to wipe your tears" I lift my head up and I saw a boy about 7 years old, he offer me his pink handkerchief. I smile at him and signal him to sit beside me.

And he happily sit.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"My name is seokjin, Mr. Please don't be sad Mr, It's also make me sad. You see Mr. My mother pass away these morning, my father and my hyung said I should go here in the park, and comeback later" said by the cute boy with sadness in his face.

"You should smile, do you think your mother will be happy if he see you sad" I said as I caress his black hair.

"I think your right Mr. And you also smile" He said and he has a big smile in his face. I also smile at him.

These kid is beautiful, I hold his hand and kiss it, his cheek became the shade of pink.

"Seokjin, do you want to be my mate?" I ask.

"What's mate Mr?" He ask.

But He was grab by someone, I look up at him. A boy who is 11 years, he has blazing red eyes and a musky scent. He's an alpha.

"Let's go seokjin, I told you never interact with a vampire." He use his alphas to seokjin.

"I'm sorry Mr, I have to go. If I'm older will decide if I will be your mate or not." He said and I saw his brother eye's twitch.

"Mr. Stay away from my brother, vampire can't be mated with a wolf" he said. He drag seokjin away.

After that I follow them, I'm really determine to mated him. I just felt something else for the kid.

Me and his family fought many times. And then they were successful to separate seokjin from me.

That's why I came back to my clan. I can't handle this on my own.

The Kim clan is one of the powerful wolf. There really secure there clan. They move into different places.

Finally after 13 years, we found the Kim Clan. I'm so happy that I can see my little seokjin after 13 years. We attack them and first thing I do is finding him But to my dismay, seokjin is not here.

He was no where to be found. The Kim's move to the south and I said to my father we should stay here because seokjin might come back. And I was right, he did come back. A

destiny is not with me, because he was mark by no other than Mr. Kim taehyung. Shit!!! I hate this life. I hate tawhyung to the core


I was looking at his beautiful face, I kiss him in his lips. Those kissable lips that I fantasize. I kiss him passionately. I don't care if he doesn't kiss me back. I want him to bare my child.

I will make a short R🔞

I strip him, I was amaze by his beautiful body, maybe that's the reason why taehyung mated him. I started to lick his nipple, I'm licking the other and pinching the other. He moan silently.

Seokjin is a sluty one. I said to my self.

Then I lick his chest, I lick until I am into his hole. I started lick it up. I can tastes his slick precum. I started to strip my self. After I align my member to his hole and trust it deeper.

End of mature scene.

After an hour, I was finish. I came to for 8 times on him. I wouldn't be surprise if he is pregnant.

I really did that on purpose, I want him to get pregnant. And I think I accomplished it.

I carry him to the tub, I know he's too sore right now, I can see his reddish and sore hole.

He's to beautiful, I can look at him every day, and wouldn't loss interest at him.

After I wash him, I dress him up. I pack our things.

"Is time to move out, my love" I said as I kiss seokjin lips.

Were gonna leave I can't let taehyung finds us that's why were moving in different cities. My father said I should give back seokjin to taehyung.
I just said, I will never give my new mate to him, just like what he done with jimin.

He doesn't support me, he just said I'm stubborn child. He doesn't feel what I felt for him, I waited for seokjin for so long. Just to give him up. NO I will never surrender to him.

I carry seokjin in my arms, and let my man get our things. We went to the airport I book a private plane for us.

Then we went to the plain together with my men.

Good by Paris, I love to stay here but, taehyung get our location so, we have to move.


Thank good this imbecile track were seokjin is. I'm really angry, I shouldn't rely on these stupid men. Were in Paris right now and were going to the hotel room.

I open the door and to my dismay there's no seokjin or that jungkook inside the room.

Shit!!! Just fucking shit jungkook. I curse on my mind. Then my blood boil even more when I smell seokjin together with jungkook awful smell in the bed.

You cannot hide my mate from me forever jungkook. I will find you.

I will track you down. I Promise.


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