Planning bits

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Alex: Playboy, flirtatious, sees the female side of Chrissy, the softer edges. Lt. brown short hair, small scar on his temple, blue eyes

Micah: Strong and diplomatic, seen as mean/stern. Sees the strength in her, intelligence. blond, blue eyes, overlong hair, (maybe he shaves it in solidarity with Tristan after his capture because they cut his beautiful warrior's mane wah.)

Luke: Investigative, sees neither female nor strength, cares that she is family, wants her happy. Lt. brown hair and amber eyes, just like Chris. (Dies in the end, exactly the way Chrissy said he would (alone, silver bullet through the heart.)

Chrissy: headstrong, INTP, fearless, abrasive, cold, lol she me its easy enough. Dark, curly hair, v busty, short, loud,

T to C about her dressed up: "but that's it, you look like a gorgeous badass with a little bit of 'yeah, you can rough me up in bed though.' That's Chrissy personality to me in a nutshell."

Tristan has ins with a university on the coast for Chrissy, offers free tuition. Hard to refuse. She goes with him.

"It's great because one week a month you come crawling into my apartment, I leave you with bruises and hickeys and usually a bite to remember me by. Sooner or later, I'll charm you into staying a little longer than a week. You'll always be covered in hickeys and bruises and you'll never be able to forget me."

C 2 T: "Twins? You're fucking kidding me. That's some fairytale bullshit."

T: "Babygirl, you live in fairytale bullshit."

T 2 C: "Because you could never be a fan of violent sex."

C 2 T: "Oh, baby. Sorry. You gotta earn this."

Double As: Alex and Ares, Ares adopts his godly name in character dev. bcs Ryn and Ryland is too much lmao. "Double A's because there's two of them and they fuck like the energizer bunny."

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