Out Of His Element and Into Hers

Start from the beginning


Natasha continued to look out for Steve around SHIELD the best she could until people adjusted to him being there. 

She got Fury to send them on a few missions together and started eating meals in the cafeteria with him when their schedule allowed. Since then, people seemed to have a little bit more hospitality towards him. 

Natasha was highly respected (and also a little feared) at SHIELD so people trusted her judgement. If both Fury and her vouched for Steve, people would be a lot more receiving of him.

We've got a mission. I'll meet you at the hanger in five for a quick briefing :)

Natasha had been using emoticon's in almost all of her text to Steve. It was not something that she had ever done before but she knew how hard it was for him to adjust and he had genuinely been so proud of knowing how to use them that Natasha simply didn't have the heart to tell him that people didn't use them often. 

That was another issue...Natasha was starting to care way too much about Steve. 

She was used to being professional. She was good at professional, and she had no problems with making friends with her coworkers. 

But even then she kept them an arms length away and didn't see them off SHIELD property unless it was for a mission. Steve had been watching movies with her at his apartment almost every night and she trusted him almost completely. 

Her physical attraction to him didn't help either. 

It took about three weeks, but eventually, Natasha realized exactly why she cared so much about helping him adjust. 

She was falling in love with Captain America. 


As Steve became more and more liked around SHIELD, he also became the newest interest of all the female agents who thought that Steve was the best thing since sliced bread. 

Natasha probably wouldn't have disagreed with them, but she hated watching them all flirt with them right in front of her. 

"You know Cap, I could really use a lesson in hand to hand fighting. It's my weakest area right now and I hear you're the best of the best," One agent had tried once while Steve and Natasha were eating breakfast. 

Steve blushed, "I don't think I'd be a very good teacher. I just do what feels natural when it comes to fighting." 

The Agent shrugged, "I think my problem might be that I can't seem to get out of my head ever. Think you could help with that?" 

Steve frowned, "I don't know how-" 

"Sex Steve. She's asking for sex," Natasha interrupted, playing with the food on her plate and glaring slightly at the woman.

Steve's face turned dark red and his eyes widened, "Oh. I uh I'm not interested. I don't really have time to date." 

Natasha tossed a grape in her mouth, "That was his way of saying he's not interested Agent Tang. Get to training." 

The woman scowled at Natasha and walked away. 

Steve scratched behind his ear, "Seventy years in the ice and I'm still terrible with women." 

Natasha laughed, "Yeah I won't argue there. But in your defense she came on very strong." 

Steve laughed slightly and blushed, "I don't think I'm ready for that." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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