8. Good talkes

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S: Damn, so y'all are still in Nebraska right?

C: Nope, we in cali baby

S: Woooooow, I'm happy for y'all, so you seen any cute boys

C: Well there's this one guy-

S: What's his name

C: Rocky, and he's really cute, and he took me out yesterday

S: Please tell me you wore something nice, not your usual baggy pants-

C: What's wrong with my pants? And yes I wore a dress

S: Good, and your pants, that's a whole other story

Then I got a text from him

C: He just texted me

S: What'd he say

I put her on paused and read the text

C: I'ma take you out for lunch, be ready in 15

S: Well what are you waiting for?! Go get dressed

C: ok ok ok

S: And text me everything that happens throughout the date ok?

C: Alright stass, I'll text you ok

S: Bye b

I hung up and got ready for lunch. I had just came out the shower and I heard the doorbell ring.

"Tyler! I'm not ready yet, can you tell him to wait a sec?!"

(A/N think of the scene from Clueless when Cher wasn't ready and asked Josh to get the door)


I got up and answered the door.

"What's good bro." He said dapping me up

"Nothin much she just got out the shower; you can chill, watch TV whatever." I said walking back into the kitchen

"Tyler." Clem unsuccessfully whispered from the top of the stairs

As she peaking only her head out from the curtain that was cover the bedroom portion of the house.


She signaled me to come up there.

"Oh hey Rocky didn't see you there."

"Hey Clem."

"You're such a loser." I laughed

When I got up there. She had on pants and shoes and was wearing a blue bra. I mean, how could I not look. Well not like I haven't seen them before.

"Ok, I don't know which shirt to wear."

I sat on the looking at all the shirts on the floor.

"Ok this one." She suggested holding up a pink crop top hoodie

"Or this one?" She said holding up a red baseball tee

"Ok, I do see your predicament."

"Tyler! Help me pick one."

"Uh the pink one."

"Are you sure?" She asked biting her lip


"Ok, thanks."

She put on the pink one and took a deep breath in.

"You look fine, it doesn't matter what you wear, he likes you for you." I told her

Finding Our Wings {Complete}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz