nonsense you write when youre just that bored and too lazy to proofread.

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i know it was all my fault.
i know you try to hide it all.
i know you want to tell somebody but you dont.
simply because im your best friend
or now is it was...

im really sorry i hurt you.
i have no excuses to offer you.
perhaps i could say that it was merely time for us to grow up,
but i know im lying
and you would know it too.

the truth is,
we were becoming too close
and i dont want you to know me.
i dont deserve it for all i had done,
im not worth caring about.

im sorry that in that process i had hurt you.
i really am.
but now i cant do anything to take it back.
so this may seem mean.
but ill have to leave.

its not for my good, it's for yours.

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