Chapter 34

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The bell rang and everyone began packing up and rushing out the classroom door, but as always, I stayed behind.

I'd never been a fan of crowds. As a boy, I'd always been the last person to leave for everything, and despite how I'd changed both physically and mentally, my discomfort with crowds still remained.

"Hey, Axel, could I speak to you for a second?" My English teacher asked, waving me over to her desk.

"Yes?" I asked, nervously pulling at the strap of my backpack.

Mrs. Woods smiled and handed me my English paper, an A+ written at the top of the page in large red ink. I couldn't help the smile that stretched onto my face since I'd worked so hard on it.

"This is one of the best essays you've ever written. You're very talented, Axel," Mrs. Woods stated, sounding proud.

I blushed shyly. "Um, wow, thank you," I said shyly, taking my essay before starting to head toward the door.

"Wait, Axel, before you go, do you know a girl named Kate Ross?" Mrs. Woods asked me.

At the mention of her name, my cheeks flushed harder. I slowly turned around. "Um, yeah, why?"

Mrs. Woods smiled. "Oh, no reason, she'd just mentioned that she knew you. She's good friends with my daughter."

I nodded. I'd met Corey only once before, she was waiting in her mother's classroom because she'd had a doctor's appointment that morning.

"Thanks for the A," I said to her before turning to leave.

"Thanks for your hard work," Mrs. Woods replied.

"You're welcome," I said and headed out of the classroom door, closing it shut behind me.

There was something peaceful about walking through my school's halls without anybody else around. My steps echoed against the glossy floors and there was no sound to be heard. No locker doors slamming shut, no loud voices and angry hushed voices, nothing. I was completely alone as I exited the school, the doors swinging shut behind me, and that's exactly how I'd always liked it.

I got a text from Kate as I hopped into my car. Once again, I felt my lips spread apart in a smile.

KATE - What should I wear for our date?

My smile stretched wider as I responded,

AXEL - Whatever u want. U look beautiful no matter what u wear.

I quickly shut my phone off before I said anything I'd regret and turned the key into the ignition, my car roaring to a start.

I turned up the radio, bobbing my head to a country song I'd always liked. I sang along to the lyrics, quickly surprised at how many I'd committed to my memory.

I soon pulled into my work, cutting off the engine. Tucking the keys into my bag, I read Kate's reply before heading inside.

KATE - No, that's you...

I felt myself blush.

It was funny, I knew that I'm a handsome kid, I mean I'd have girls that I didn't even know run up to me in the halls at school, calling my name. But for some reason, the only girl I'd wanted to find me attractive was Kate. And I'd only just met her, and suddenly, I didn't want to imagine my life without her. It made no sense at all.

I opened the door to Starbucks, carrying my gym bag on my shoulder that contained my uniform.

"Hey, Axel! You're late!" Penny said, sounding surprised but also relieved.

I glanced at the clock on the wall, and sure enough, I was fifteen minutes late.

"Shit, I'm so sorry Penny, I lost track of the time it won't-" I said, but Penny cut me off.

"Axel, relax, it's no problem at all. You're very reliable so I'm not mad at you. Just make sure you give me a call next time, 'kay?" Penny said, giving me a pat on the back.

I nodded. "Yeah, I will, I promise," I said and headed into the employee restroom and changed into my uniform. 

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