Chapter 12

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{Draco's Point of View}

I stared at the sleeping girl in my lap, breathing quietly. I stroked her damp hair and kissed her forehead lightly, not wanting to wake her.
"Did you get an explanation?" Blaise said as he entered the room and sat opposite me and Becca.
"Not really, but she is at least acknowledged my support" I replied
"Well it's something, so has she told anyone" he said
"I don't think she's told anyone, but I presume Potter knows, he was there" I said with a scowl.
"Maybe ask him them, then help her" Blaise suggested.
"I refuse to go to Potter for help, no way" I whisper - shout, not wanting to wake Becca. We sat in silence, just thinking to ourselves and glancing at Becca every now and again.
"She's traumatised, at what? I don't know" I said sadly, Blaise gave me a sad smile and headed to his dorm, leaving me and Becca.  I couldn't help but wonder why she won't tell me what happened.  Does she not think I would help her? Or believe her? I was so distracted by my own thoughts that I didn't notice her breathing quicken, or her sudden muttering of words I couldn't understand. I tried to wake her up or calm her down, but she just started scratching her arm again. An new unusual habit she has now formed. The scratching started getting violent so I held her wrist to stop it, but suddenly she gasped and awoke from her not so peaceful slumber.
"Let me scratch my arm Draco" she said demandingly and tried to tug her arm out of my grasp.
"Why are you so desperate to scratch your arm?" I said pleadingly, wanting answers.
"I need to get rid of it" she whispered, while pulling her arm out of my grasp and started scratching again. I tried to stop it but she pushed me away amd stood up.
"I need to get rid of it!" She shouted
"Get rid of what?" I asked, standing up to face her.
"None of your business" she said quietly, she turned and started to walk away, but I pulled her back, now angry of her refusal to tell me anything.
"But it is my business! I'm your boyfriend and I want to help you, and it's never going to get better of you don't tell anyone what's wrong" I shouted at her, our faces were inches apart, both of us breathing heavy. I slowly reached down and started pulling up her left sleeve. She inhaled a sharp breath and held it, almost scared of my reaction. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back while I lowered mine to look at the damage her constant scratching caused. I expected to see blood and scars, but what I saw was much worse. The dark mark.
"Becca?" No respond
"Becca?" Again, no respond
"Rebecca, answer me!" I shouted and she sobbed but refused to look at me. I grabbed a tight hold of her wrist and forced her to look at the mark.
"Tell me why you have Voldemort's mark imprinted on your skin" I shouted, she was shaking and crying heavily, with no control over her breathing.
"I... I, I didn't want this Draco, he forced me!" She finally spluttered out.
"Why does he want anything to do with you" I asked, she let out a loud sob and wrapped her arms around my torso, soaking my robe with tears. I let her cry as I gently stroked her back, after minutes had passed, I finally whispered
"Why Becca?"  She detached herself from my body and looked me in the eyes.
"Because... because I'm his daughter" she muttered out with tears pouring down her cheeks. What? Daughter.
"You can't be his daughter Becca! You're a Thornstone, Alexander is your father!" I plead
"But I'm not Draco" she said through sobs and wrapped her arms around me once again.
"I'm a Riddle"

Two months had passed since Becca opened up to me, it was now nearing the end of the summer holidays, we were both 15 and she was staying at the manor. She claimed that she 'couldn't bear to spend 6 weeks without me' which is entirely plausible but I knew that she didn't want to go home, to see her dad and her sisters, and have to explain to them the horrible and life changing school year she has faced. She's still hurting, she awakes in the middle of the night screaming, I try and calm her down but she can't escape the truth. I want to help her but I can't, it's so painful to watch her deteriorate and suffer. She's a shadow of the strong, beautiful witch she once was. She's not eating, she sits in a bath of freezing water for hours and she still tries to scratch the mark away, but she's just hurting herself. I can't remember the last time I saw her smile, saw her laugh, saw her not hurting.

"Becca...? Becca?" I said, while poking her gently. She looked up at me, emotionless.
"I think you zoned of again" I said
"Sorry" she muttered, taking her attention back to the floor. I sighed as she continued to do nothing.
"We're going back to Hogwarts next week, do you need any supplies?" I asked while tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
"No" she said blankly, I just looked at the girl sadly. A knock on the door dragged my attention away from Becca.
"Come in" I shouted, a tiny and weak looking house elf came through the doorway.
"Master Draco, dinner is ready" he said and left quickly. I stood up and offered my hand to Becca, when she didn't take it I knew exactly what she meant.
"You have to eat, Becca" I pleaded with the girl.
"I'm not hungry" she said, not bothering to look at me. I dropped down onto my knees so I could face her.
"Becca, you need to eat. It's not healthy. I'm trying to help you but your making it really difficult. I'm so worried about you" I spoke
"Becca" I said, she looked me in the eyes
"I feel empty inside, I don't feel emotions. All I feel is this" she pointed to the mark
"I feel this overwhelming amount of darkness that has stripped me of my emotions. I don't know what to do Draco" she spoke softly, I leaned towards her and planted a gentle kiss on her lips.
"Eating something is a start" I said.

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