Chapter 2

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The journey to the quidditch World Cup was unbearably long and uncomfortable, but at least Draco's father, Lucius wasn't here to make it anymore awful. He was watching the game with us but he was meeting us there, he had some important business to handle or something. Once Draco and I arrived and got settled into the tent things became a little less awkward, but still fairly awkward. We did kiss yesterday but we haven't spoken about it yet.
"Well Becca, I didn't no you had a thing for bad boys" he smugly said with a smirk.
"I would hardly consider you a bad boy Draco" I chuckle.
"Ah ha! So you do have a thing for me!" He confirmed, thinking he had cracked the case.
"Duh. I did kiss you yesterday! Idiot!" I smacked him over the head.
"Oh and by the way, if we do end up together your going to seem like a massive baby" I told him.
"What? Why?" He asked me curiously.
"Cause I kissed you, big strong, dominant Draco was kissed by a girl!" I laughed at his shocked expression.
"Well I guess we'll need a new story to tell everyone" he suggested. I quickly laughed at his stupid idea until I saw how serious his face was. He smirked at me then grabbed hold of my waist with one hand, pressing my body to his. With his other hand, he tilted my chin up to face him and planted a sweet kiss on my cheek, then my forehead, my jaw, my nose and then my lips.
"Well that's a better story isn't it?" He asked rhetorically. I simply placed my hands around his neck and kissed him passionately. To be honest, I preferred the first story cause you know, woman empowerment but who cares as long as Draco's happy.

The match was over and Draco and I started heading back to our tent, we didn't talk much because we more both pretty sad that the Irish won, we both supported Bulgaria. Once we got into the tent I decided to head to bed.
"Right, I'm off to bed. Night Draco" I said while walking over and planting a kiss on his cheek. I was about to move away but I was stopped by Draco who held onto my waist and he started kissing my jaw and my neck.
"Why don't I join you Becca" he said flirtatiously in between kisses. I pushed him off me and started walking towards my bed.
"Calm down Draco" I said while laughing.
"We've kissed a few times!" I scoffed at what he was suggesting.
"Plus we're 14!" I pointed out yet another factor to contradict his wild idea.
"Ha! In your dreams Thornstone. I just wanted to cuddle, I leave once your asleep" he pleaded with me, trying to convince me into sharing a bed with him.
"Fine." I finally agreed.
We got changed into our night clothes, in separate rooms of course and made our way over onto the bed . It was quite awkward at first because it felt like a big step into whatever we are, I mean we're not even going out yet! Suddenly all the awkwardness was flushed away when Draco pulled me into his arms. His arms were wrapped round my waist and my head was gently laying on his chest. Our legs were entangled and the steady beat of his heart was slowly sending me to sleep. I looked up at Draco to remind him of the deal but I noticed he was sound asleep. I didn't want to disturb him so decided to let him sleep here with me. I gently caressed his cheek and admired his features. His icy cold skin and his sharp bone structure just made my heart flutter more. His small pink lips were parted slightly with his gentle snores. I nuzzled my face into his chest and drifted of into a happy, deep sleep.

I woke up suddenly to the sound to screaming and crying. I looked around at my surroundings at saw that we were still in the tent but a small fire was escalating quite quickly. I started to panic and looked next to me to see that Draco was still sleeping.
"Draco! Draco! Wake up!" I shook him until he woke but he pulled me back down onto him, muttering things like "5 more minutes" or "your so warm Becca".
"No Draco theres a fire we need to leave!" I told him, the panic spread across his face.
"Quick! There's a cup in the kitchen that will apparate us back to the manor!" He said with great urgency. We rushed over to the kitchen, coughing and spluttering from the rising smoke. We found the cup and held onto it for dear life. Within a split second we were back in the manor, both of us panting heavily at the sudden shock.
"Well that was intense" Draco said, I scoffed at him stating the obvious.
"No shit Sherlock" I cheekily replied to him.
"Becca who on earth is Sherlock?" He questioned.
"I dunno, I read about him in a book once" I answered his question. I'm pretty sure Sherlock Holmes is a muggle detective, but I know Draco isn't particularly found of muggles so I just dropped the topic. I can't blame him, he was brought up like that. I however, was raised to treat everybody equally despite of blood status.
"Anyway, I wonder how the fire started?" I looked at Draco hoping he would have an answer to my query.
"It doesn't really matter, as long as we're both safe" he said while pulling me into a hug attempting to distract me from the recent event.
"I'm glad to see your both safe" the dull voice of Lucius Malfoy stated. I could feel Draco stiffen against me at his Father's presence. Draco and his father don't have the best of relationships, they get on fine and they love each other really, but their relationship is more of a mentor - student rather than a father - son. Well who am I to judge, I have nothing to compare to because I don't have a brother so my father doesn't have a son. For all I know there relationship could be perfectly normal. I was broken out of my thoughts by Draco who was prodding at my head, which was still pressed against his chest.
"Rebecca, would you please go pack for leaving to Hogwarts, I need to speak to my son" Lucius said rather sternly.
"Right, yes sir" I almost whispered and made my way up to my room.

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