Chapter 5

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As I marched through the corridors making my way to Dumbledore's office I could hear various students muttering nasty comments.

"3 from one school! Not fair!"
"She's a Slytherin of course she'll cheat!"

"Harry, Rebecca, did either of you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Dumbledore asked harshly.
"No, no Sir!" we exclaimed, trying to prove our innocence.
"Did you get any of the older students to do it for you?"
"No sir!" We both said in unison
"Are you absolutely sure of it?"
"Yes, Sir!" We pled once again. The headmistress of Beauxbatons, Miss Olympe Maxime stepped forward to talk.
"Well of course they are lying!" she yelled
"The hell they are!" shouted Moody, who had somehow gotten into the room. You hadn't seen him when you entered but if he was here to defend you, you couldn't care less.
"The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object and only an exceptionally powerful confundus charm could have hoodwinked it!" You were kind of glad that Moody had stood up for the two of you, you didn't want to be accused of cheating any time soon. And you were sure Harry wouldn't want to be either.
"Magic way beyond the talent of a fourth year!" he continued. I was a little hurt by that as I was one of the brightest witches in my year, I could shapeshift, speak to snakes and I could perform wandless magic. Pretty exceptional service if you ask me.
"You seem to have given this rather a lot of thought, Mad eye." suggested the Durmstrang headmaster. I didn't know his name but he was pretty terrifying.
"It was once my job to think as dark wizards to Karkaroff, perhaps you remember." Moody threatened.
"This doesn't help Alastor!" Dumbledore scolded the slightly unstable teacher.
"I'll leave this to you Barty." He continued but he spoke to the Minister of Magic who was also organising the event with the teachers, so he would make the decision of your fate. You hoped he would let you go back to the common room and forget this ever happened.
"The rules are absolute." he said emotionlessly. "Harry Potter and Rebecca Thornstone have no choice. They are, as of tonight, Triwizard Champions."

You walked back to the common room with tears in your eyes. I didn't want this, I could be killed!
"Hey! Wait up Becca!" I heard a voice call my name, most likely Harry's.
"I'm not in the mood for your judgment Harry." I said quite harshly. I could tell he was hurt by me saying this, He was about to walk away but I stopped him.
"Wait! I'm sorry Harry, I'm just really upset and confused right now. I didn't mean to snap at you" I apologised to the boy in front of me.
"It's fine Becca, I'm scared too don't worry. I just wanted to tell you that no matter what, we're in this together" he spoke gently, trying to calm me down.
I had started crying by this point, the tears were rolling down my cheeks and dampening my face as a tried to wipe them away.
"Thanks Harry" I spoke through sobs, there was an awkward pause until I decided to break it.
"I really should get going, night" I said while turning around to head to my conman room.

I walked into the common room and it was eerily quiet, I was getting foul looks everywhere I turned. I looked around the room to see if anyone I was close with was here. I just needed a hug. Blaise came walking very confidently down the stairs. He engulfed me in a hug as I cried into his shoulder.
"Becca, why are you crying? This is the biggest achievement of your life, I'm so proud of you." He spoke in a soothing voice. I glanced up and gave him a quizzical look and I was about to ask why when I was ripped off Blaise and was turned to face Draco. He looked incredibly angry and also very concerned.
"Why would you put your name in the cup?" He shouted at me.
"I - I" I was cut off
"Do you know how many wizards and witches die in this tournament?"
"Yes that's wh-" again, cut off.
"I can't believe you wouldn't at least tell me! I'm your boyfriend for God's sake."
"Drac-" I tried to speak. Draco was about to speak again but this time he was cut off.
"Let the girl speak Draco!" Blaise shouted at Draco. Blaise then turned to me and nodded, I muttered a thanks and started to explain.
"I didn't put my name in the cup, I don't know how it got there and if I did, you would be the first I would tell Draco. I know how many wizards and witches die in this tournament and that's why I'm so scared, I'm terrified Draco." I spoke in a quiet voice, scared of his reaction. He pulled me into his arms and started to stroke my hair. I let out a long, muffled sob into his shoulder. We stayed like that for a long time. I wanted to get some fresh air and invited Draco to walked with me. He gladly excepted and we headed out of the common room. He held his arm round my waist comfortingly, and every now and again he would kiss my head lightly. We arrived at the Black lake but more specifically our tree. He got us into a comfy position. He was propped up against the tree and I was between his legs. I leaned against him as he hugged me from behind. I was playing with his long, slender fingers as we spoke.
"Becca your going to do so well in this tournament, you're the strongest witch I know" he comforted
"I'm just so scared Draco, I don't know why I'm even competing! Someone must've put my name in" I sigh. I turned around to look up at him, he smiles sadly.
"You're Rebecca Elizabeth Thornstone! The only thing you should fear is fear itself!" He said attempting to cheer me up. I smiled at him and leaned down to give him a soft kiss, he kissed back but very gently as if I would break. I broke the kiss and hugged him. He spun me around so I was on my side, still between his legs. I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head on his lower chest. His arms were draped over my small frame and his fingers were drawing patterns on my side. I could feel my body slowly relax into the embrace. My eyes fluttered shut as I started to drift of to sleep.

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