Chapter 6

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I wanted to scream as I walked into the arena. The crowd erupted into cheers as I walked out of the tent. I was wearing a green jersey that had Slytherin printed on the front and Thornstone printed on the back. I wore flexible leggings and chunky combat boots. The only bit of protection I had was my wand. Normally I would be grateful for my wand but in this case it couldn't do anything to help me face the Dragon.


I saw it in front of me, guarding the egg. Which I needed to collect. I run towards it, hoping it will let me off easy. Of course I was wrong, it spreads it entire body over the egg and starts to blast fire at me. I run behind a rock but not without getting burned in the process. I wince at the slight burn mark on my arm, it's not too bad. I start to cast wandless spells at the dragon but it just seems to aggravate it. I don't know what to do. I've been fighting this thing for what feels like hours. I've giving up all hope and was about to surrender when I hear someone shout "Muto!" Then I know exactly what to do.

Draco and I were sitting on the sofa in the common room trying to come up with ideas to defeat the dragon and retrieve the golden egg. Harry has told me the first task was dragons that's how I know.
"I could use wandless magic, throw it off guard?" I suggested.
"Nah that will just annoy it" he said knowingly.
"Since when did you know so much about dragons?" I teased
"Excuse me, my name literally means dragon in Latin!" He defended
"Plus I read a few books about them" he admitted.
"Ok well what about my broom?" I asked
"Could do..... or you could shapeshift!" He said excitedly
"I don't know Draco, I don't really want the whole school to know about my powers" I shyly spoke.
"Ok but if things start to get rough, you should do it. I don't want you getting hurt." He said softly
"Fine" i agreed
"If I shout muto, you have to shapeshift, I don't want you getting hurt." He said while pulling me into a hug.

Muto (moo-toe) is latin for transform

I instantly knew what to do. I stayed behind my rock and slowly started to change my form. As I grew into my dragon I could hear the large gasps amongst the crowd. The Dark green scales of my dragon matched my eyes perfectly. I spread my wings and let out a huge roar. The other dragon tried to match my stance but was small compared to me. I flew up a little and blew fire around the dragon, closing it in. I landed on its back and started clawing at it. It flung me off its back and I landed in a heap. More gasps left the crowd as it looked like I had failed. I slowly got up and moved towards the dragon and bit it's wing. I could hear the whimpers from the dragon as I sunk my large fangs in. I released its wing from my mouth, grabbed the egg and started to move towards the tent. Suddenly I felt the hot flames hit my back one final time, I clenched my back in pain and whimpered, I quickly changed back into my human form and ran into the tent. A sob escaped my lips as I walked into the tent, I dropped the egg and headed straight to Madame Pomfrey. She gasped and my current state and quickly led me behind a curtain to examine my burns. She tried to remove my charred jersey but it was melted onto my skin. I screamed as tore off the top unexpectedly.
"There, fast and easy. Like a plaster." She spoke trying to comfort me. I just groaned painfully as she prodded at my back. She applied a cream of some sort but the pain was so unbearable that I passed out.

I slowly tore open my eyes but winced slightly at the bright light above me. I glance around and figure out that I'm no longer in the tent, I'm in the hospital wing. What a fun day.
"Becca? Becca baby are you alright" Draco questioned worryingly.
"Take a guess" I replied sarcastically but after seeing his slightly hurt expression I immediately apologised.
"Sorry I'm just not in a good mood, I was just burned by a dragon." I said half heartedly.
"It's fine I understand, but if it's any consolation you came 2nd! But if you ask me you should have won, you were by far the coolest" he said with a smile, obviously trying to cheer me up. I was in too much pain to care however.
"Oh yippee" I said sarcastically again. Draco gave me a playful glare and I just covered my eyes with my arm, but regretting it instantly because of the pain.
"Ah Rebecca! You're up. Now your going to have to stay in here for a few days at least, but I recommend that you try and have a cold bath, the prefects bathroom is free and you have permission to do so." She said almost demandingly.
"I'm sure Draco can escort you up there" she said directed at Draco. I just nodded and he helped me get up, painfully slow.  As we were about to leave Madame Pomfrey stooped us and spoke once more.
"What you did was very brave Rebecca, but I don't think it would be wise to shapeshift on school grounds again". I just sighed and nodded, letting Draco guide me up stairs.

We had finally arrived outside of the bathroom after a long and painful journey.
"I won't come in with you, but I'll be right outside so just shout if you need something." I nodded and gave  him a small smile, showing my understanding. I walked into the bathroom and quietly closed the door behind me, I turned around and saw the amazing washing facility and gasped, it was luxurious.  I turned on the tap and made sure it was cold water, I didn't want to burn my burns. I slipped out of my hospital gown and slid into the ginormous tub. It stung at first but after a little bit of adjusting, it became quite soothing.  I tried to think of something to do because it felt rather awkward just sitting there, then I remembered I brought the egg! I could try and figure out the clue. I swiftly grabbed the egg and held it in front of me, being careful not to drop it in the water. I turned the egg, unlocking it and prepared myself for whatever lies inside.  Then an ear piercing scream left the golden egg, I dropped it into the water to cover my ears and groaned, the scream hurt my head. Draco ran into the bathroom in a panicked state. I quickly covered myself up with bubbles and turned my back toward him.
"Draco! What the hell!" I shouted
"Sorry, I just heard a scream and ran in here to check if you were alright" he said apologetically.
"Oh ok as long as your not a perv trying to creep up on me" I said with a laugh. Draco laughed along with me until his face saddened a bit. I looked at him quizzically until I realised what he was starting at. He slowly started to walk over and squatted down next to the bath, so we were level. He gently picked up his hand and caressed the burns on my back, I inhaled sharply trying not to let out a wince. He had a guilty look on his face and instantly I knew why.
"It wasn't your fault Draco" I said trying to persuade the boy to believe his innocence.
"If I hadn't told you to shapeshift, this wouldn't have happened" he said while retracting his hand from my back and looking and the ground. I turned around to face him fully, making sure I was still covered up though.
"It wasn't your fault, I shouldn't have gotten so cocky. Plus if I hadn't shifted it would have been a lot worse, so in a way you saved me" I said trying to lighten his mood. I caressed his cheek with my thumb and leaned towards him to plant a sweet kiss on his lips.
"What would I do without you" he smiled at me
"You'll always have me" I smiled back kissing him again. We pulled apart and Draco started to look around the room.
"So what did make that awful noise?" He questioned.
I gasped.
"The egg!" I quickly dove under the water to search for the egg, I found it quite fast as it was glowing? It was also singing? I leaned closer toward the egg and listened to the melody.

Come and seek us where our voices sound.
We cannot sing above the ground.
And while you're searching, ponder this:
We've taken what you'll sorely miss.
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took.
But past an hour - the prospect's black.
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back

I swam to the surface to gasp for some air, I smiled at Draco excitedly.
"I found the clue! The egg needed water!" I panted. Draco waited for me to regain my breath.
"What's the clue?" He asked. I told him the lyrics to the song and we then deciphered that the task was we each had to retrieve something the mermaids took from us in the black lake and we only have 2 hours to do so. Draco and I were walking back to our common room, talking about the upcoming task.
"Becca, how are you going to breathe underwater?" He said with slight concern laced in his voice.
"I'll just shapeshift into a fish of some sort" I shrugged. He pulled us to a halt and looked at me with worry in his eyes.
"You are not shifting! Did you not hear Madame Pomfrey? She said not too!" He said.
"Oh come on Draco! Since when have you been a stickler for the rules" I laughed at him.
"Since my girlfriend nearly died because a bloody dragon!" He said loudly.
"Well what other option do I have?!" I asked him
"You could use the bubble charm or there's bound to be a plant that makes you breathe underwater!" He suggested
"I suppose I could use the bubble charm" I sighed in defeat, I know he was right but why have these powers if I can't use them? Plus the everybody knows about it now so there's no stopping me.
"Good. Just promise you won't shift" he said while pulling me into a hug, but still being weary of my back. I just nodded and hugged him back, I'm probably going to shift but he doesn't need to know that.

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