Didn't Change 9

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I am really hurting. I knew Donny and So Hyun are boyfriends.

They are very happy. I can't live being hurt.

Being hurt, I can't just stop and watch them while hurting.

I went back to Philippines.

"Oh, Sharlene, good to see you here."

"So Hyun ah, are you happy?"

"Of course," she answered proudly.

"For all that you would love, why Donny? Why it has to be him and not someone else?"

She smiled.

"Do you know how sad Donny's life was? Don't you remember about her best friend?"

"Why Donny?"

"Because Donny is Donny and I like him."


"Does he love you?"

"Omo, Sharlene, why don't you ask him about that?"

"Yah!" I told her in a loud voice.

She was startled.

"Yah!" she replied.

"I thought you're a good friend but you're the exact opposite."

"Good friend? Who among us forgot our friendship in the first place? Isn't not you who just left all of a sudden without telling where did you go?"

"That's not true."

"I needed a friend those times Sharlene,  I wish you were there to be like my sister but where're you when I needed a friend to comfort me?"

I did not talk.

"When my grandpapa died, I felt like I was left in the middle of nowhere and I needed help. I called you, but never did you receive my calls. I felt like I was locked in a cage, where I am not seen. I felt like crying for help but who I am with have no ears to listen. No one tried to listen to me. And now, you're telling me I'm a bad friend?"

"Do you know why I suddenly left?"

"I wanted to ask you, but you were no longer there."

"If you feel like you're alone, I too feel that way. Do you know how's my life at home? Everybody is busy. My parents are my nannies. School events and my parents should attend but neither one of them attended. It's always emergency. It's always a business meeting. There's no time for Sharlene.  They were only present when I did something wrong at school. But that call was the last that time. I have to do something different. Something that will surely try their love and patience. I plot my fake accident. I saw how my mom cried for me. They were very angry. Mom and Dad decided to transfer me. You don't know my pain, you don't know how I grieved because of it. But for that one day of grieving at the end, I have to be strong and to forget everything about Korea."

"And you forgot me as well."

"If I did forget you, I should have not called you the way I called you before. 'So Hyun ah'. And when you arrived, and saw me, you pretended you didn't know me. You even ask my name."

"But you left me, you didn't even say anything to me before going."

Then Donny arrived while Hyun is crying.

"Shar," Donny said.

"She's okay," I told Donny.

"How could you say she's okay if she's crying?" Donny questioned me.

"Is it only the falling tears that make someone hurting? Are people without falling tears from their eyes mean that they are not hurt?" I asked Donny.

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